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let-off studios's blog

Fun Stuff: Making Games with Kids

Kid's Game - Climby's Tree House

Today I brought some of my game-making supplies along on a visit with my family. I have two young twin nephews (age 6) and we sat down for a bit to make games together. Here are two of the results.


This is my nephew's version of the simple dice game Hungry Jack, which I had taught them on a previous visit. This version uses a single six-sided die, but it's otherwise a faithful rendition. Note that the number 4 spot is - in his words - the dead spot, and chips go there until the end of the game.


Personal: Bluffing/Deception Games

DISCLAIMER: this is a highly-subjective critique of game mechanics and tropes. Your mileage may vary. I'll likely not be interested in debating about this.


I'm starting to have an issue, personally, with games that have high levels of player interaction and deceit involved. I don't like the idea of lying to one another to "get ahead."

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by Dr. Radut