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Joined: 05/05/2014

Hi, Im a 35yo spanish guy that from childhood liked create games. The same thing make me love mathemathics cause I liked to create functions and draw them to see how they evolve (I fall in these things sometimes at the present time).

I love philosophy, sociology, psychology and in a wide sense any history of ideas (history of sciencie, history of mathematics, history of policy, etc...)

In the particular case of games Im very interested on the deep understanding of how mechanic(s) create a game, and what make a game universal (long lifetime... as on chess, go, poker, etc...)

At the same time Im trying to create a knowledge to create strategy games with the longer lifetime, i.e., with simple rules, very wide range of valid strategies, computer not-friendly and interesting emergence.

By this my "vademecum" of games are something like: go, arimaa, hive, stratego, goofspiel, havannah, micropul, eleusis, DBG as gosu and some others. On videogames I liked fighting games cause they create a experiencie of short and deep strategy game.

In a close sense Im focused these days on understand how work a code (any code, as language or DNA code) and implement some ideas to create games with it, to develop games where inductive or abductive thinking are important.

Well, Im really liking this forum cause I can learn and see many things that are really hard to see. This forum is a bit as a sanctuary for game designers.

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