Okay so this is just a quick idea... I have been trying to see how I could implement a SIMPLE card game (with 12 cards per player).
So it started out having four (4) stats:
- Health Points: varies between 1-12, 0 means dead.
- Attack: varies between 1-10.
- Defense: varies between 1-8.
- Damage: varies between 1-6.
Each card was going to also have a passive or active ability.
BUT that's when I thought about changing the game such that all cards have NO STATS. Instead you ROLL DICE to determine what you get.
Does that sound TOO RANDOM???
Is this sort of mechanic INTERESTING? You roll with whatever you get?!
Sometimes it works with your cards and at other times it does not?!?!
So to add some more precision,
Assuming that I include some Base stats (such as -1, -2 ... -6) and then use dice rolls, here is the kicker:
There is LUCK - but also a LOT of strategy to determine and choose which card will have which stat roll. Obviously I have found a "mechanic" that allows me to have such dynamic stats.
And I have reduced the number of dice to one (1) set. I can foresee just using a standard Chessex dice 7 poly-set... Which is also cool. You can buy the dice separately (maybe - TBD).
The main problems I have are:
Still need to think about HOW this game is supposed to come together...