Hey Everyone,
My game is going live at noon today! BGDF has been such a great resource for me over the past months. Even if I didn't respond to every thread I still poured over countless topics and discussions to learn as much as I could. So even if you didn't know you helped me along the way, I wanted to let you know you did. This is a great community and one that I am glad to be a part of. Rock on guys!
Yeah, I'm in Columbus but I've wanted to visit Toledo to see the casino up there. It has to be better than the one here, it's terrible! Thanks for your kind words, and yeah, the game is actually a blast to play with friends, everyone just laughs while they play and that sounds like I'm tooting my own horn but the goal was to create a fun game that makes people chuckle and I think we accomplished that. Take care and thank you!