I have been in the design process on three games for the last few months.
The game furthest along is Mythic Migration, an abstract strategy game with mythic creatures trying to cross over an expanse of land through Terra-forming, before the other species of creatures does the same. Right now it is playable with 2 players as well as two teams of two players. At this point I am looking into self publishing and in talks with a local game store to carry a limited run, in store and through their online store.
Web site up
Still under development, open to any feedback, what you'd like to see!
keep on truckin'
Wow! that's awesome.
A year later and still going strong. I guess I need to buck up and quit worrying about the obstacles and just pick a corner to start chewing on.
thanks for the inspiration ;)
Your Game
Tell me more; what does this Mythic Migration involve besides a mesmerizing name?
A story of love, hate and survival
Well, there are two creatures, a mountain dweller (Yeti) and a sea/channel dweller (Nessy). The board starts in as a plain which neither creature can traverse. The problem is with initial moves each terraform you create a land space you can travel on, as well as creating one for your opponent. The four player is very tense as you attempt to help yourself, and your partner without helping the opposing species. (all without table talking :) ) (smack talk strongly encouraged) I have a lot of info, but at this point I am trying to get a hang of this forum, and not talk too much. Wisdom comes to those who listen, and speak wisely.
Ideas come . . .
. . . to those who talk about their games a lot!
Fair Enough
Well, I will start blogging and pick the minds on the masses, thanks for the encouragement.
I'm psyched to hear more about your game as it nears completion/publishing. Best of luck to you.
Art goes slowly
So, a year later, and I am getting really close, begin pre-orders yesterday. Working with Blue Panther on production! I hope to have info soon, once the price point is finalized!
how did i do that?
i posted way up there!!! oh well.
Design is a labor of love!
Especially if you are working with "volunteers" for art, design help, you have to be in it for the long haul! I am really excited to have met some talented people one this forum that have a passion for gaming, and a flexibility to help make a dream come true. Games are as good as the community that gathers around them to form them.