I had this idea probably a year ago and thought about it for a while but then I guess just forgot it or got too many other things to work on but recently I remembered it again and thought I could post it here to hear about your thoughts and ideas which could maybe inspire me to continue the project.
If you have seen the movie, skip this chapter (SPOILER ALERT!):
The basic idea of the movie is that a group of 5-ish people are trapped in huge cube consisting of smaller cubes (they dont know why or how they got there and we never find out). Some of the cubes contain traps that are mostly lethal, so they have to think their way out of the cube. They use certain gadgets and theories (there are clues hidden in each little cube) to get out but in the end only 1 survives.
So, I was thinking that the idea could be implemented into some other trapped-and-need-to-get-out situation such as a pyramid. The "Cube" in this case a pyramid would be represented by a (naturally) 2D board with moving small pieces. Players start with a certain number of survivors depending on the number of players (minimum of 2) and they all start in the middle of the pyramid. They all have to team up to find the exit and get out of the pyramid but also need to consider that they have to be the first to get out if they want to win the game. This brings an interesting teamwork versus betrayal concept to the game since you cannot work your way out alone but at some point need to be the only player alive (or just the fastest) . Naturally, players don't know which of the pieces contain traps (which instantly kills a survivor who enters it) and have to use some "powerups" represented by cards to find out a safe way, or just by trying their luck. A player who uses a card to see wether a piece contains a trap or not doesn't have to tell the truth to the other players... Pieces are however color coded and players know how many traps there are in a certain color of pieces. Red pieces have significantly higher percentage of traps than green pieces etc.
The players take turns changing the arrangement of the board by moving a single row of pieces. They can choose to move any number of pieces in that row as long as its just one row and you cant reverse the movement of the previous player. Its kinda like the puzzle game where you have to arrange the pieces in a certain way where there is one empty spot and you move the pieces by pushing them. After the players move the pieces they get to move their survivors. Cards can be played at any time, even out of your turn and they are aquired from pieces that do not contain traps.
Some card ideas:
Shoe - Can be used to test adjacent pieces for traps
Map - Can be used to watch under any piece
Hidden Trap - All survivors in a single square are caught in a trap
Dodge - Can be used to negate an effect of a trap
Immobilize - A survivor of your choice will be unable to move during his/her next turn
Haste - A survivor of you choice can move one extra square this turn
Disable Trap - If used before moving into a square, any traps in that square will not affect any survivors in that square as long as the survivor who moved into that square stays in it
Also some cards that affect the movement of the squares and how other players can enter or leave them.
Thats pretty much the mechanics and the rules. I think this concept would be really interesting to play since it is extremely affected by player influence. If you got any ideas or constructive criticism I'd be glad to hear it.
Yeah I loved the movie too, it was the first horror/thriller film I ever saw so it was an astounding experience.
Right now I just need some ideas. Im quite unsure wether I should put the "powerups" as a randomly aquired cards or should they be like items in the possession of the survivors in the beginning of the game? For example in a 4 player game each player would be dealt 3 items that they can use throghout the game or give to other players. I was also thinking that it could be neat to give each player a skill that enables him/her do something that others cannot. I already got a couple of ideas bout that:
Strenght - Player with this ability can move survivors of other players if they are in the same chamber with his/her survivor
Intelligence - Player with this ability can move 2 rows of chambers during his turn
Social - Player with this ability starts with an extra survivor
Deceptive - Player with this ability may steal an item card from a player in the same chamber with him/her
Speed - Player with this ability may move a survivor one extra time
Ill see if I have time to further enhance the project and see what its heading to...