Hello all. Allow me to introduce myself.
My name's Paul Blake, and I'm the lead Game Developer here at ToyVault. When we're not busy making Monty Python plush toys, or cute-and-cuddly versions of Cthulhu, we often play games of all sorts. Board games, card games, even some miniatures games. We're fun loving people, and it's high time we got into the game publishing business.
In addition to numerous other projects ToyVault is currently working on, we've got a hankering to publish a version of James Kyle's piecepack. Certainly, there are versions you can already go out and buy, but they've primarily been a specialty-order item in the past. We'd like to see piecepacks in hobby-level game stores across the country - even worldwide!
Here's the deal: ToyVault will be publishing its own version of piecepack soon, and we'd like to include a selection of original games to be printed in the rulebook. What better way to illustrate the make-your-own-game nature of piecepack than to allow the public to submit game designs themselves?
The contest is fairly simple and straightforward: First, print and fill out the attached entry form. Then, mail the form, along with your game design to us here at ToyVault. We here at ToyVault will sift through the entries and pick the best games submitted. ToyVault's publishing history should not influence your game designs. We're not looking for games based on our existing media licenses, or any media license at all. We're looking for innovative, imaginative, and strategically rewarding games. They can be quick beer-and-pretzels games, or multi-hour epics, so long as they're fun. The top twelve entries picked by ToyVault will each receive 1 free piecepack.
If we think your entry is truly spectacular, we'll include your game in our rulebook: You'll be a credited game designer with a published design. Your name will appear alongside your game in our rulebook, and on the product page for piecepack on ToyVault.com. What's more, you'll receive 12 free copies of our piecepack.
ToyVault will pick up to 10 single-set games and up to 1 double-set game for inclusion in the rulebook.
All entries must be submitted by mail - no electronic submissions will be considered. Entries must be postmarked no later than February 28th, and received no later than March 12th. Winners will be announced on or before May 15th.
Official rules and entry form are attached to this message, or available here. Send any questions to me at PaulB@toyvault.com with "piecepack contest" in the subject line. Happy designing, and may the best games win!