To facilitate reading almost 40 entries this month, I am breaking them up into groups of 10. This thread is for entries 31-38.
3/09/2011, 4:17pm MST: #36 has been updated, apparently some of the text hadn't appeared the first time.
To facilitate reading almost 40 entries this month, I am breaking them up into groups of 10. This thread is for entries 31-38.
3/09/2011, 4:17pm MST: #36 has been updated, apparently some of the text hadn't appeared the first time.
A dice game for 2 to 6 players
There's a mutiny above the good ship Dogstar! Fight for your right to plunder!
Whoever ARRRRR!'s the best gets the first turn. Each player starts the game with points equal to their position in turn order, minus one (keep track of points on paper). Play proceeds clockwise.
On your turn, you may either try to take over a position, or advance 1 rank in a position you already have.
To take over a position, choose a card in the center of the table. If there is someone who has a dice occupying that card already (a defender), roll all your crew dice that are NOT currently occupying a position on a card. The defender does the same. If you roll higher in total than the defender, you may place one of your dice on the 1st rank (furthest left square) on the card, and the defender's dice returns to the defender's pool. If you roll lower than the defender, you take the Lifeboat card from wherever it is currently. If you tied, and one player has less points than the other, that player wins the tie. If tied for points, the defender wins tied rolls. If the card was unoccupied, you win the roll automatically.
To advance 1 rank in a position, move one of your dice that is currently occupying a card 1 space to the right on the card.
Now gain points equal to the value shown on your current rank in all positions you currently occupy, and your turn ends.
Once one player has reached a pre-determined amount of points (25 is probably a good number for your first game), play continues until the player to the right of the Start Player finishes their next turn, then the game ends, and the highest point total wins.
For 2 players, deal 6 random cards into the center of the table, then allow the NON-starting player to choose one of them to place a crew dice on to begin the game. Then the start player may choose a different one to place one of his crew dice on to begin the game. Otherwise, play as normal.
For an actual product (i.e. not restricted by the challenge's component restriction), I would say give players 6 cardboard chits in their color, with various pirate faces on them. Only 7 dice (rather than 37) need be included in the game. Players use the chits to show which positions they occupy, and only roll a number of dice equal to the chits they have not currently occupying a position. The game could thus play more players with the addition of only 6 small chits per further player.
A low-cost quick playing rum soaked loot filled game of plundering pirates and scurvy scallywags.
Players act as Pirate captains with unruly crews on the high seas. Players roll dice to determine their actions. Pirate crews are often drunk on rum and wont always do what their captain wants. The player can re-roll the dice to try to get the actions they need but must be careful of having a bounty placed on their head. Bounties open them up to attacks from other players.
The object is to travel from location to location attacking the merchant ships that are sailing there. The pirate that delivers the last shot on a ship gets the loot. Everyone knows that the pirate with the most loot wins.
Each player receives 1 Pirate Ship Die that represents their Pirate Ship and how much of a bounty is on their heads. Shuffle the Ship Cards and deal 12 to the players. Place 4 randomly selected Location Cards on the table next to each other (Location Cards are double sided, but only 1 side will be used).
The players take turns placing a Ship Card face down on a location until all 12 Ship Cards are placed. No location can have more than 3 Ship Cards. The players then choose a location to place their Pirate Ship Die (making sure that it is placed showing no bounty symbols).
Once the Pirate Ships are placed, flip the top Ship Card for each location over and slide them under the location card so they are undamaged. Play begins.
Each location provides a bonus to the players when their turn starts unless otherwise specified.
Players roll 3 Action Dice to determine their Pirate Ship's actions. The player may re-roll any number of results up to 2 times. If a Skull result is rolled, it is set aside and cannot be re-rolled.
The Action Dice have 4 possible results.
Move (2 sides)
Cannon (2 sides)
Doubloon (1 side)
Skull (1 side)
Players must perform all actions shown on their Action Dice. They can perform these actions in any order.
Moving a ship to an adjacent location takes 1 Move. The play area does not wrap around.
Each Cannon action will damage a Ship Card once. Damage is represented by sliding the Ship Card out from under the location card enough to reflect how much damage it has taken. If the Loot result is revealed, that player takes the card.
A player may attack another player at their location only if that other player's Ship Die shows any number of Bounty icons and the attacking player has enough Cannons.
If successful, they randomly take 1 of their opponent's loot cards and their opponent resets their Bounty to 0.
If any location does not have a Ship Card showing, flip over the next card in that location's stack and slide it under the location undamaged. If the ship is marked as a Navy Ship, every pirate at that location gains a Bounty.
The game ends when any location has no Ship Cards in its stack at the end of a turn. The players count up their Loot. The most Loot wins.
The Evil Sorcerer has been imprisoned!... Meanwhile back at his laboratory his minions are squabbling over what to do now - and who is the boss! With only the wizard's tattered spell book and a cluttered laboratory full of strange spell ingredients it’s up to you to rescue your master and receive your reward! Or perhaps brew up a spell that's even tastier...
The game is won when a player casts a four letter spell.
Play proceeds in rounds.
With the ingredients spread out over the lab, the players can look for them and grab them as they please, with the limit that they cannot touch any and can only have three dice at any time, including any results they have in their cauldron from previous turns. Once a dice has been lifted from the table it cannot be placed back on the table but must be kept that round. After a player has finished gathering ingredients they grab the spell card they want to try and cast this round.
To brew a spell you need to roll on your ingredient dice the letters required by the spell. Letters you like from previous turns can be stored in your cauldron. Each of the three letter spell cards have a special power/rule which will help you to be better able to brew your four letter spell. Spells and their effects could include:
Brewing a secret four letter spell works in the same way, except that the result is to win the game.
Each secret spell has an effect that makes for a colourful ending, one frees the wizard... another turns the other players to stone, etc.
You dont need to brew your own secret spell. If guessing another players spell - declare you have brewed their spell and secretly look at their card, if you're right you win, if you're wrong then you explode!
"Alphabet soup" - With 30 Secret Herbs and Dices - Young cooks compete to discover a master chef's very odd secret recipe.
25 white dice (d6)
4 blue dice (d6)
4 transparent pawns (sculpted minis): 2 each of 2 different colors
Orient the 25 white dice like so: set 1 die to 6, 4 dice to 5, 5 dice to each 4, 3, 2, and 1. Place the #6 dice in the center of the board. Choose a player to go first. Then, taking turns, each player will take 2 of the remaining dice and place them on the board, with the following restrictions:
Each player then places their 2 pawns on top of any die. Two pawns cannot occupy the same space.
The dice represent a frozen pond, with each die showing the relative thickness of the ice. Your two pawns represent a pair of penguin shamans (they always come in pairs) who have the ability to raise or lower sections of the ice. The goal of the game is to eliminate your opponent's two pawns by sinking the ice chunks they are on, while not getting sunk yourself.
Roll: take 2 blue dice for each of your pawns and roll them. Arrange all of the dice in numerical order, from lowest to highest. These represent the actions that you can take this turn.
Move: move both pawns to any adjacent empty die. If you cannot move, immediately change the die that pawn is on down by one (6 becomes a 5, a 5 becomes a 4, etc). If that die was a 1, remove both the die and the pawn from the board.
Raise or Lower the Ice: Starting with the lowest blue die, the player must either:
You must use a dice if there are dice on the board that match.
Play continues to the next player.
If a player rolls 2 or more of a number, there are two options:
If a player rolls a string of numbers, they can use them to raise a die (that his pawn is on) by 2 or more. For example, if a player’s pawn is on a 2, and the player rolls a 2, 3, and a 4, the player can (if they choose) raise the die from a 2 to a 5 in one turn (2 to 3, 3 to 4, 4 to 5).
For a four player game, split the players into two teams. Each team takes the turn steps together, but each player only rolls for their pawn. Teams may take their actions in any order.
Instant Skirmish is a simple and fast paced 2 players game bringing fun and easy miniature skirmish game right to the coffee table. In this all-in-one game, each player leads a group of fighters toward victory. Several scenarii can be imagined and implemented, using the included components.
// COMPONENTS All 33 dice used in this game are custom printed six sided dice ( except the Activation dice )
// SET-UP Group composition Each player can select up to 6 Character Dice of his choice to compose his group of fighters. There are 4 classes of fighters in the game : Warriors / Archers / Horsemen / Wizards. Each Die represents one of the above classes, and their health condition.
Setting-up the Battlefield According to the mission, some Terrain Cards and/or the Objective die are put into play.
Roll a D6 to determine first player( first turn only ). The highest roll plays first.
// PLAY Preparation Phase
Activation The player can spend a number of Activation Points equal to the result of his Activation Points Roll. Each Character has an Activation Cost featured on the Character Cards. To activate a Character, the player has to spend a number of Activation Points equal to this value. All unspent Activation Points are lost.
Movement Phase During this phase, the player can perform a number of actions up to his Action value ( as featured on the Characters Cards ). The player is free to perform these Actions in any order. ( Exemple : if a Warrior has a Action:3, he can perform 3 Actions. Move-Move / Attack-Move / Attack-Attack / Move-Attack )
Terrains : In the game, 12 double-sided Terrain Cards are included. They introduce some layout elements which can be combined to create varied configurations of landscapes and modifiers.
// COMBAT & MAGIC PHASE Can be performed in any order...
Combat A fight happens when two opponents are dice to dice and that the active player has enough Action Points left to engage the fight.
Each Character has two values related to combat :
The Battle Dice feature different symbols : Axes, Shields or Failures.
Note that an Attacker may suffer damages when attacking !
When a Character suffers a wound, his Character Dice must be rotated to display his new « health state ». A Character Dice features 6 sides : Normal State / Light Wound / Critical Wound / Paralyzed / Paralysed + Light Wound / Paralysed + Critical Wound When a Character dies, his die is removed from the game.
Magic Using magical streams is a very difficult but powerful action to perform.
Casting a spell costs 1 Action Point and is quite unpredictable. A single cast can be done during a turn. In order to cast a spell, the wizard must choose between the Offensive ( Red ) Spells Die or the Defensive ( Blue ) Spell Die, depending on his target and desired effect.
How to cast a spell : There are two way of casting a spell.
The Spell Dice Symbols : They feature 4 different spell symbols
The Offensive and Defensive Dice are not the same...
// WINNING THE GAME The end of the game depends on the goal of the scenario.
A dice juggling game for 2-4 Jesters
Once upon a time in a far off kingdom there lived King Falstaff. Bored with kingly duties, he desired a royal jester. To find one, King Falstaff called the greatest jesters of the land to compete in a four-day tournament to see who could impress the court the most with their feats of juggling!
8 green 10-sided dice (d10)
12 Daring Feat cards (numbered 1-4)
Win by juggling bigger and more risky objects, and doing it one handed, behind your back, or whilst spinning ‘round! Each day of the tournament you'll earn Prestige by proving your juggling mettle. The jester with the highest Prestige at the end of the tournament, wins!
Feel free to give yourself a name like, "Gustav the Perilous!" or "Rolando the Magnificent!")
Each jester needs a pair of green d10 to keep score. If your score goes over 100, use one of the "+100 Prestige" cards to keep track.
Make sure you have a good area cleared around you, preferably in a room with a high ceiling!
Lay out the 4 dice place-cards in order and place each pair of colored die on the appropriate card. Each type of die represents an object to juggle, as follows:
Lay out the 12 Daring Feat cards in a grid in rows by number.
Determine the first player by rolling the d20. Highest roll goes first, and play will go clockwise the first round.
The current jester picks his first object to juggle from the the dice place-cards. You may only go up from there, so pick carefully! If you’re feeling confident in juggling, start low to get more points. Otherwise, take a risk with the dice and only do the d20 "Flaming Chainsaws."
The jester takes one of the dice on the place card in hand, and rolls the other. The roll indicates the Prestige points he will get at the end of his turn for that Object.
Now, the jester must juggle the die in his hand.
Jester holds his hand out in front of him at arms-height and tosses the die in the air. The die must:
If the jester breaks these rules, the other jester's may call "Shenanigans!" And the jester must try again. If this fairly happens twice in a row, the jester loses his turn.
If the jester successfully catches the die, he may Up His Stakes or end his turn. Ending his turn means he adds the Prestige points from the caught die to his total (tracked by his green d10s).
The jester may roll a die larger than the one just juggled. For instance, if you just juggled the d8 (Spitting Vipers) you may now roll the d10 (Battle Axes) or d12 or d20.
After rolling the new die, you must now juggle BOTH dice. This is done by tossing up both at once and catching them. After each toss the Jester may continue to Up His Stakes, each time adding a die to be juggled.
If the Jester fails and drops any dice, he loses the points for the dropped dice and his turn ends. He still adds the Prestige value of any caught dice to his total Prestige.
After all the jesters have gone, each jester will get to take a Daring Feat card (in a two player game, take two), starting with the jester with the lowest points (for ties, it’s the latest jester to play)
In each subsequent round, play goes in order of highest to lowest Prestige from the previous round.
These cards represent feats challenged by other jesters. They are played during another jester’s turn in order to make a particular toss more difficult. They are played any time after the Jester rolls for points and before he Juggles the die. More than one type can be played at a time by multiple Jesters!
The four types are:
After the fourth round, the Jesters’ compare Prestige. Unused Daring Feat cards are worth Prestige equal to their type number. The Jester with the highest Prestige wins!
TGDMBC is a game for 2 players - the Green Dice Gods against the Yellow Dice Gods.
Each player starts with four dual sided tiles with the circle sides up and four D6.
The tiles below are front on left and back on right.
You will need to acquire four Victory Objects [VO]. These can be glass beads, pennies, or milk jugs. We suggest Peanut M&Ms for obvious reasons. Place them between the players.
Win the four Victory Objects and you win!
Each player rolls their four dice. Place dice which match the dice showing on the tiles on top of those tiles. Each die on top of a tile scores the number of points on that tile. If two or more dice are on one tile, each die scores.
e.g. The tile with the ‘1’ has two dice showing the ‘1’ on it. This tile scores 3 points for each die on it for a total of 6 points.
If a die can be placed on more than one tile, the player gets to choose which tile it goes on.
NOTE: Each player has a square tile with three blank dice spots on it. The only dice that may be placed on this tile are three of the SAME dice. [e.g. you roll three ‘4’s]
After each player totals their score, the player with the highest score wins a VO. The opponent is allowed to scowl or cry as the situation merits.
If both players tie, both players lose a VO.
And, yes, if you don’t HAVE a VO, you don’t lose one.
After scoring, both players flip any tiles without dice on them.
Play continues until one player wins all the Victory Objects - which is why we suggest M&Ms. :)
Start with Circles.
Roll the dice.
Place matching dice on tiles.
Highest score gets a VO.
Tie score? Both lose a VO.
Flip your misses.
Roll again!
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Dicey Dilemma
2-4 Players 15-30 Minutes Ages 6+
Deceptively Designed. Deviously Difficult.
The goal is simple. Get your dice in line. Keep your opponent's out.
1 White 6-sided Die
12 Yellow 6-sided Dice
12 Green 6-sided Dice
12 Blue 6-sided Dice
12 Red 6-sided Dice
8 Intersection Tiles (2 Yellow, 2 Green, 2 Blue, 2 Red)
Each player chooses a color. There are 24 dice that are used during gameplay, plus the Center Die.
2 Players - Each player takes 12 dice matching their color.
3 Players - Each player takes 8 dice matching their color.
4 Players - Each player takes 6 dice matching their color.
Each player grabs 2 Intersection Tiles matching their color.
Roll the white die and place it in the center.
Each player picks up all of their dice and rolls them at once. Dice must remain visible to other players.
The player with the most dice matching the number on the center die is the first player. The player with the second-most dice matching the center die is the second player, and so on. If there is a tie, each tied player should add all their dice together, and the highest number wins. If there is a tie after that, then everyone rerolls.
Each player may pick up as many of their dice as they want and reroll them all at once. They can pick up some, none, or all of their dice. They can only reroll once this round.
Starting with the first player, each player places one die at a time in the Inner Ring (2) only. After a player places 1 die, the next player places one, and so on. This is done without changing the value of the dice.
PLACING TILES Instead of placing a die on their turn, a player may place one of their Intersection Tiles on any empty square, even in the Outer Ring (3). A player may only place one Intersection Tile during Round 2. You may continue to place dice after placing a tile, and you may place dice on any player's tile.
At the beginning of Round 3, each player may pick up as many of their dice as they want and reroll them again. They can pick up some, none, or all of their dice. They can only reroll once this round.
PLACING DICE Starting with the first player, each player places one dice at a time in the Outer Ring (3). After a player places 1 die, the next player places one, and so on. This is done without changing the value of the dice.
Instead of placing a die on their turn, a player may place their remaining Intersection Tile on any empty square. You may continue to place dice after placing a tile, and you may place dice on any player's tile. If all the squares in the Outer Ring fill with dice, then you may not place your last Intersection Tile.
After all dice and Intersecting Tiles have been placed, each player may swap any 2 of their dice. This is done in player order, starting with the first player.
To score, you add up the values on all of your dice that are in straight lines of at least 3 consecutive dice with the same numbers. High score wins.