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GDS july 2011 - full version of "Europoly"


by joni (Ravin games)

A strategic upgrade of Monopoly.


Influence cards, each card with 2 colours. Influence cards giving the players +1 die. 50 cards total.

Properties and shares

The properties are found in 6 different colours. Each colour has 12 shares:

5x “number 1” shares: may be bought on two different fields on the board, base price is 10000.

4x “number2” shares: same as above, base price is 20000.

3x “number 3” shares: only available from one field on the board, base price is 30000.



Split 1 million cash amongst the players. Lay open a number of influence cards equal to the number of players. The players take turns clockwise around the table.

Player turn

The starting player selects an action, and places one of his tokens there. When the action is fulfilled the next player selects an action (and places a token). Used actions (the ones with a token) cannot be chosen again before the action table is cleared. The action table is cleared after 7 actions have been selected and fulfilled. Now all actions are available again.

Before ending the turn a player may build a house on one of his properties (max one house per share). To do this he must discard 2 influence cards with the actual colour on them. The price to build a house is 10000.

Roll and move

Influence cards with +1 die are kept in front of you (not in hand) until discarded. You must roll all dice you have available, then choose 1 die or the total of 2 dice to be your move.

Stopping on a property-field:


If no one owns any shares of that type of property (colour and number) you may buy one of the shares for the base price.


1: If at least one of the shares is owned by any other player you must pay the rent to the owner(s), but you pay no rent if you own at least one share of that property yourself.
The rent is half the base price for each share. A house built on a property doubles the rent of one share (to equal the base price for the share).

Example: You stop on one of the two red “number 1” property fields. Player A owns 2 shares and has one house on the property, you must pay player A 5000 + 5000x2 = 15000. Player B owns 1 share and has no house there, you must pay player B 5000.

2: After paying the rent you may buy a share of that type of property (if available) for the current market price. To do this you must discard an influence card with the actual colour on it.
Market price = base price + (2000 x number of shares already sold)

Example: Player A owned 2 shares (red “number 1”) and player B 1 share. You may buy one of the two remaining shares for the current market price: 10000 + (2000 x 3) = 16000.


If you already own at least one share of that type of property you may buy another one (if available) for the current market price, OR you may build a house on that property (without discarding influence cards).

Stopping on a special field:

Start field: Where the players start. Players go to jail if they stop here.

Income-field: Gain 5000 cash.

“?” field: Draw one card from the top of the influence-pile.

Train field: Pay 2000 and travel to the next station.

Airport field: If the airport is unclaimed, buy it for 10000. If the airport is claimed: pay the owner 5000. You may then move your token to any property field between this and the next airport.

Jail field: Move here when put in jail. Players also go to jail if they stop here.

Auction field: Take an unclaimed share (of any type) and put it up for auction amongst all players.

Risk points and jail

You gain 1 risk point each time:

  • you draw an influence card and you already has 5 or more in your hand.
  • two of your dice totals 10 or more eyes.

When put in jail you must pay 10% of your current cash to the bank and you lose all extra dice. Risk points are reset. You must skip the next action in the game.

Other issues

Instead of building a third house on a property you may raise a hotel. The hotel doubles the value of 3 shares.

If buying a share with a hostile takeover you also must pay the player 10000 for the house (if present). Replace his house with your own. Shares with hotels may not be bought through hostile takeover.

  • To win the game you must build 3 hotels in one colour OR 6 hotels on any colours.
  • The game also ends if a player is bankrupt (count cash and base price for each share to determine the winner).
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