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How a game is made

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Joined: 06/07/2012

In case anyone hasnt seen this its an interesting piece about how games are made - well I found it interesting :)

Its a 45min video called 'Made For Play' and it follows the production process of games made by Ludo Fact.

Knowing the production process of a game can be very useful when you are putting together a game design. It gives you an idea of what can be produced, what components you can include, how the layout of pieces (like punched counters) relates to production, how the various pieces of your game will affect the final cost/profit margins and lots of other useful stuff.

Joined: 08/26/2012
How a game is made

Awesome video! Thank you for sharing!!

Joined: 12/21/2012
many industries involved into board game manufacturing

Board game manufacturing is a little complicated than simple production. there are normally over 10 industries involved. One factory can not smoothly proudce board game products. They must keep in close cooperation with other professional factories. If printing factory didn't pay attention to board game fields, it's board products will be inferior, and it's production will be faiure because they have not ability to get professional printing components expecially wood game piece, plastic game pieces, metal game pieces, etc. Furthermore, complete board game need professional assembliing production line to provent missing parts. Professonal game box must be no moisture, no bent, no-phthalate coating and varnishing, No-toxic paiting, etc. If some printing factory who just mainly printing playing cards said they wanted to produce whole board game set, you should absolutely take care to work with them to provent failure.

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