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[GDS] FEB 2013 "Class-ic Civilization" - Comments and Questions

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sedjtroll's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008

Use this thread for any comments, questions, requests for clarity, etc., regarding the January 2013 Challenge in the Game Design Showdown, entitled "Class-ic Civilization".


Sperber's picture
Joined: 03/22/2011

I am sorry, but I don't get it. What do you mean by "playing over a semester?" Instead of designing a mega civilization game like that from the Eighties which could easily take 8 or more hours to play we should now try to develop a game that lasts for about 6 months?

And what does "The students will need to interface with your game through participating in their normal schoolwork and assignments." mean?

Finally, my only knowledge of the american school system is based on what I have seen on television. I don't really have any idea what a junior high schooler does at school.

Joined: 11/13/2012
in junior high school in

in junior high school in america. kids act awkward and boys start puberty.

true story

Sperber's picture
Joined: 03/22/2011
The USA is a strange country.

The USA is a strange country. In all other countries I know, girls start puberty around the same time.

sedjtroll's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Sperber wrote:I am sorry, but

Sperber wrote:
I am sorry, but I don't get it. What do you mean by "playing over a semester?" Instead of designing a mega civilization game like that from the Eighties which could easily take 8 or more hours to play we should now try to develop a game that lasts for about 6 months?

And what does "The students will need to interface with your game through participating in their normal schoolwork and assignments." mean?

Finally, my only knowledge of the american school system is based on what I have seen on television. I don't really have any idea what a junior high schooler does at school.

The meaning is this:

Instead of sitting around a table playing this game in 1 sitting, the players will be students - imagine you're their teacher, and you're also administering this game.

The mechanics are up to you, but for example, you could assign some "civ points" based on performance (turn in your homework on time, +2 Civ points. Do well in the weekly spelling bee, +3 Civ points. Whatever) and then allow the students to assign their Civ points at the end of the week into whatever category they want.

That's just a vague example off the top of my head. In that way, each week the players make some progress (based on their school performance), and at the end of the semester they can see how developed their civ is.

What I meant by Elementary, Junior high, or high School was mostly in reference to age. We have Elementary school until we're about 12, then junior high until age 14, then High School until age 18...

- Seth

sedjtroll's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Sperber wrote:The USA is a

Sperber wrote:
The USA is a strange country. In all other countries I know, girls start puberty around the same time.

Actually, don't girls hit puberty before boys?

Sperber's picture
Joined: 03/22/2011
Thanks a lot. Now it makes

Thanks a lot. Now it makes much more sense to me.

sedjtroll wrote:
Sperber wrote:
The USA is a strange country. In all other countries I know, girls start puberty around the same time.

Actually, don't girls hit puberty before boys?

Yes, they do, but if junior high is for ages of 12 to 14 then it should cover both. ;)

sedjtroll's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
GDS Entries?

I've only received 1 entry so far...

Was this challenge not interesting enough? I was hoping to see some clever, out of the box ideas!

- Seth

KrisW's picture
Joined: 01/15/2013
Ack! Ack! Ack!

I'm having a great time with this challenge. I just took too long working on the mechanics and haven't quite got the examples and text editing finished.

Working on: Dawn of the Wanderers

- KrisW

Joined: 05/27/2012
GDS Class-ic Civilization

This challenge is enormous interesting. But a civilization building game was too big a chunk for me. The very long span was the culmination part of the challenge. The only *new* idea I got in my mind was to reverse the process.


Joined: 03/07/2012
This challenge is pretty

This challenge is pretty interesting.
It's just way too close to my ACTUAL work for me to have much motivation to participate, unfortunately |3

sedjtroll's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Both me and the single

Both me and the single entrant would prefer to see more entries! Can I encourage you guys to submit anyway? Remember, the GDS is for high concept... maybe every detail need not be worked out!

KrisW's picture
Joined: 01/15/2013
Civ Design

Sure, I'll send mine in. Should I post it here or PM it?

I'm editing it down to under 1,000 words. I should be able to send it in 3 or 4 hours max.

- KrisW

JustActCasual's picture
Joined: 11/20/2012
I was thinking about a brief

I was thinking about a brief concept. I'll write something up in the next couple of hours.

KrisW's picture
Joined: 01/15/2013
Too long, too late, still sent in

I sent the text to sedtroll and can post it here if needed.

The text came out at about 3,400 words and I could not get it shorter. For anyone who attempts to read it and stops - I'd love to know what point you reached just before stopping. Editing ideas gratefully accepted.

This was lots of fun,
- KrisW

sedjtroll's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Since this one went over the

Since this one went over the time limit, maybe instead of the normal voting I'll just post these in the thread and immediately open the Critiques thread and we can start discussing them.


Sperber's picture
Joined: 03/22/2011
After I had those questions

After I had those questions at the beginnig of the competition I kinda feel obligated to to tell you that the theme was just a little to difficult for me in such a short amount of time. As I had hoped I started playtesting one of my games in early february and most of my freetime went into that one. Which also explains why I was so quiet in the last two weeks.

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