Ok good fellows, I wanted to run some stuff by you...
1) On September 16th, we turn two years old. Horray for us!
2) Due to the summer (among other things), chats have really dried up. Is anyone willing to host some regular chats? I may able to do it again in a couple of months when my youngest gets a little older and has better sleeping habits, but again that won't be for a while. Also Jeff and I had discussed a possibility of doing lunch time chats. Perhaps a poll is in order to see when would be the best time hold these chats would be. My thoughts are that he and I could switch off, with each of us hosting it at different times/days.
3) I want to throw out an offical thanks to Jeff for heading up the Topics in Game Design Theory forum. I fear with out TIGD, the site might have ground to a proverbial halt.
4) Which brings me to Jeff's other baby.. It seems like GDW has lost some steam. Did we run out of people or has our last couple of folks not followed through?
5) Wiki is still vaporware for the time being. Zzzz has offered to help. Perhaps we can get as many reliable people as possible to help to help ease the burden of this undertaking. Are we still thinking that we want to completely migrate to tiki? Perhaps I should see if there is a new version available.
6) I've been slack on finishing the upgrade to the protoparts store (the beta is at catalog.bgdf.com ). I really need to finish it up. If someone can help me hold myself accountable I'd appreciate it.
7) XXOOCC's design microgame contest hasn't materialized either. Perhaps it will since the con season is winding down. Does anyone want to contact him to see if we can get a status or make sure it's still on Chris' radar.
8) Matthew, you had expressed interest in doing another game contest as well. Have you thought any more about it? I know things have been 'complex' for you lately, so no worries if you haven't had a chance to even fire a single synapse over it.
9) Jean Francois' life has taken a priority shift. He can't devote nearly the amount of time to the craft and the site as he has in the past.
That's about all I can think of for right now (as if that wasn't enough). Anyone else have any issues?
(This is so humilating!)