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Community Resource Idea...

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Zzzzz's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008


Looking for some feedback or input on the following idea. I have not personally played a game that does the following, if you have, please let me know. I am currently working on an idea that may use this concept, but just wanted to get some general input..... thanks.

Community Resources

What I mean by this, a common pool of resources used by all players in the following way.

Each player in turn will be allowed to use 1/N (N being the number of players) of the available resources.

These community resources would be generated each "round" based on so random conept (for now lets say 2d6).

At the beginning of each "round" a pool of resources, W, X, Y and Z would be randomly generated.

So for example, lets say there are 4 players and the generated resources are 2 Ws, 4 Xs, 8Ys and 2 Z. So in this example, each player will be able to use or obtain 4 resources.

In turn the players would select the resources they wish to use(their 4 choices) and these 4 would be removed from the pool. The next player would have the remaining to choose from and so on. (As a side note, if 17 resources had been randomly generated, the last player would be award the "extra" resources, sort of a bonus for being last resource.)

Now I would also put in a concept that for each new "round" another player would "go first". In hopes to allow each player the chance to choose first from the available resources.

These resources we be used by the player to carry out other need actions, maybe something like build armies units, etc.

The resources might be allowed to carry over from turn to turn, maybe not. Not sure about that yet.

Ok... so does this sound interesting, does this already exist in a game?

sedjtroll's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Community Resource Idea...

I don't know if this exact thing exists in a game, but it sounds a little similar to the Lord of the Rings CCG where your actions add resources for your opponent to use.

The way you described it at first had me thinking "each player gets 1/n resources... that's hardly "community resources" then, is it?".I realize that you then went on to say that the 'flavors' of resources would be limited, so everyone gets the same amount but of different kinds.

What about a true community resource mechanic though, where certain resources are available and you use what you use and leave the rest for the next player...

Of course you wouldn't want player 1 simply using all the resources every turn, so there'd be more to it than that. Perhaps the game is played with Actions, and Actions are on cards and/or have costs, and you can only do 1 Action a turn... then the amount of the community resources that you use is proportional to the power of the action you take. If you take a more powerful action then you leave less resources for other players, but then you have used up that action for the game/round/whatever.

A possibility would be that each player has an identical set of Action cards, you play 1 per round and pay the cost out of the community resources, then you don't get that Action back until later, if ever. Choosing an expensive Action may preclude the later players from doing the same, but it leaves you without that option for later.

Just my thoguhts with regard to "community resources." Take them or leave them. I think the system you described has merit as well (though it may involve some math).

- Seth

Joined: 07/31/2008
Community Resource Idea...

I like the idea but I would be a bit wary of needing to change the starting player each turn ... (e.g. by rotation, bidding) ... or some people might really suffer from never getting access to a specific resource.

Options also might include trading with other players (speculative buying?) or the option to 'buy' specific resources from the 'bank', simulating importing at a much greater expense ...

Gets you thinking ... definitely worth following up on ...

Community Resource Idea...

I have toyed around with the community resource idea in several of my prototyes and have found it rather hard to impliment properly.

The best soloution I have found for it is a Game theory scenario called the "Tradgedy of the Commons".

In this scenario there are several farmers who share a field where they graze cattle (The field is the community resource).

The Field can suport a maximum number of cattle, however the more cattle that graze the field the less each cow is able to produce as there is not enough grass to go around.

This scenario was created to demonstrate the problems assosiated with sharing a resource.

Hope this can help you develop a good mechanic (and let me know if you do :) )

Joined: 12/31/1969
Community Resource Idea...

My actual prototype is based on the mechanic you're describing here.

Each player have a cards describing resources and order of play. The higher you contribute to the pool the later you will be able to aquire them. Since your card played showing what will be the order you acquire the resource, I don't have to rotate the starting player each round.

Beside my game I didn't find any other games like what you describe. I try to search similar game this mechanics, but could not find it.

I should get an opening for the GDW shortly. I have to write up my last page of the rules. After that I'm pretty much done and ready for ciritics.

Good luck in your design.

doho123's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Community Resource Idea...

I was debating a game in my head that had as a central rule something that went like this:

---Everyone was a country/company that had to share workers.
---At the beginning of a round, there was a number X that was somehow determined that indicated how much "work" that could be done total for all countries/companies.
---After some amount of discussion amongst the players on how they wanted to divide up the work, each player secretly decided how many workers they wanted to use. Obviously, the more work you had done for you, meant better output for you.
---All amount of work/workers desired is revealed. If the total of workers needed fell below X then the workers were happy, and they provided bonus output, if the total equaled X, then they provided just the usual amount of output. However, if the total exceeded X, then "bad things" happened to the people who required the most workers in that round.

So you had to balance what was the best for everyone in the game with your desire to beat the other players, with possible bad outcomes based on a selected risk/reward ratio of pushing your luck with the workers.

Joined: 12/31/1969
Community Resource Idea...

doho123 wrote:
So you had to balance what was the best for everyone in the game with your desire to beat the other players, with possible bad outcomes based on a selected risk/reward ratio of pushing your luck with the workers.

I would throw a couple of rules with a union like salary increase and strike. I already sound fun.

sedjtroll's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Community Resource Idea...

doho123 wrote:

If the total of workers needed fell below X then the workers were happy, and they provided bonus output, if the total equaled X, then they provided just the usual amount of output. However, if the total exceeded X, then "bad things" happened to the people who required the most workers in that round.

So you had to balance what was the best for everyone in the game with your desire to beat the other players, with possible bad outcomes based on a selected risk/reward ratio of pushing your luck with the workers.
This sounds like a really cool way to do it... let the players exceed the 'total community resources' available, then punish the people who used more then their share if it does go over. Of course, then why doesn't everyone just use X/n resources, where n = number of players?

Maybe the amount you need is discreet, like I said before about actions with specific costs. So you HAVE to either use more or less than "your share".

- Seth

Scurra's picture
Joined: 09/11/2008
Community Resource Idea...

The only game I know with an even vaguely similar mechanic is Groo: the game. The building mechanism there is that the active player throws some dice to generate random resources. They then get to use those resources to play cards (which indicate which resources are needed.) Unused resources are then passed on to the next player who can use them (or not!) and pass the remainder onwards. This continues until the dice are all used or any remaining return to the active player.

It's an entirely random resource generation device (although there are some neat touches, e.g. one resource is much scarcer so you need to take account of that) but I suspect it could be explored in a somewhat less chaotic way than it is in Groo :-)

Community Resource Idea...

I would suggest you expand the exception scenario of an odd number of resources compared to the number of players (some resources left over) to be the rule. Say there are n players, the resources would be 4n+1 or something like that. That way, the last player has the least selection of resources, but will gain an additional resource to help with trading, etc.

Joined: 12/31/1969
Community Resource Idea...

I must admit - I found the topic of this thread rather inspiring, and put together a quick game last night.

The basics:

* There is only a single resource type. (I found the idea of different resources interesting, and have used it for many other games, but I was more interested here in focusing on the sharing than on having different resources.

* There is a penalty for using more than your share, both immediately and at the end of the game.

* There is a bonus at the end of the game for using less than your share.

* The total number of resources (space, in this case) available is determined by die roll.

* The payoffs for using various amounts of space vary each turn, using a small deck of cards (24 currently, but will be cut to 16).

We gave the game a first go at lunch, and it worked remarkably well for a first try...


sedjtroll's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008
Community Resource Idea...

Joe_Huber wrote:
We gave the game a first go at lunch, and it worked remarkably well for a first try...

I'm glad it worked out, but what exactly does the game do? Is there a theme? What's on the cards?

- Seth

Zzzzz's picture
Joined: 06/20/2008
Community Resource Idea...

I am glad to hear my post inspired a new potential game.

I am very interested in this idea and that is why I posted about it. I have a few game ideas floating around and I just need enough time to get something drafted.

And as sedjtroll stated, whats your game about?

Joined: 12/31/1969
Community Resource Idea...

sedjtroll wrote:
I'm glad it worked out, but what exactly does the game do? Is there a theme? What's on the cards?

Sorry - wasn't sure there would be interest in details...

The theme - such as it is - is sharecropping. There is a variable amount of space available each turn for farming, and players can choose between seven different crops to grow, each requiring a different amount of space and providing increasing income (read - victory points) with increased space. Each card has a table, showing the seven crops available, how much space each takes (ranging from 1-7, 2-8, or 3-9 "spaces"), and the income (ranging from 1-19).

From income is deducted a penalty for using more than your fair share of space - -1 for one extra space, -3 for two, -6 for three, and so on. Players also take chips to show how greedy they've been. At the end of the game, a penalty is paid on the same scale based upon how many chips each player has. Chips may only be discarded by taking less than your fair share of space; one chip is discarded for each space deserved but not taken.

That's about it, I think...


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