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Simple combat mechanic

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I am currently working on a fantasy-based game in which players must fight and kill monsters. I came up with a simple combat mechanic and would like some feedback on it. It works like this:

When a player encounters a monster, a monster card is flipped over from the deck. The card has a picture of the monster and a number at the bottom. If the player's attack + modifiers is higher then the number, the monster is slain, but if it is not, the monster is not slain and the player takes a damage.

What do you think?

Joined: 12/31/1969
Simple combat mechanic

How does a player that's weaker than a monster actually defeat the monster, then? Are the modifiers a dice roll?

Joined: 12/31/1969
Simple combat mechanic

I've come up with a similar mechanism that might help you out a little bit.

Basically each encounter (or monster in this case) has a skill rating. Players roll a d6 against this skill level and if the roll is higher they score a point of damage. If the roll is lower than the player takes a point of damage. Players may modify their roll with items they have picked up during the game to give them +1, +2, etc... to their rolls.

Simple combat mechanic

I use a similar system in my narrative game. To simplify combat, players roll to see if they remove damage from a monster. If successful, they do some damage, if not succesful, they take damage. It's a nice and elegant system for combat since it only involves one die roll that could result in either taking damage.

Have you thought about giving monsters more damage taking capability so that it would take longer to defeat them? It seems that if they were all slain after one good roll, the game would be over pretty quickly.

Joined: 10/16/2008
If you're adding dice...

If you're adding a die roll, what about making it a contested roll with another player rolling for the monster? Use the difference in the rolls to modify the character's score.

That will involve the other players in the action, and could increase the inter-player banter...

Simple combat mechanic

I could make it a little different by having a player for his player's attack (amount of dice = to attack value) and then have another player roll dice for the monster (amount of dice = to number on card).

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