Your game length is VERY important. Longer games like Die Macher sell fewer quantities and there is less of a chance of getting it published. On the other hand, there is nothing wrong with only publishing a couple of hundred copies of a game for more serious gamers.
To clarify my objectives a bit: I care not at all about making money off of this, or any other game -- that's all gravy. I would like to see this game published, if only to see a really "pretty" version of the game in existence, but also because I'd like people who like such games to have another game to enjoy.
I think that a 3 hour game of this scope wouldn't be unreasonable or off-putting, but obviously it's not entirely my call to make. Certainly folks who say "I only want to play a 60-90 minute game" wouldn't like this one, and I guess I'm not actively trying to appeal to that audience; it would just require cutting too much of what I consider interesting in the game. So, it will probably have to stand and fall as a "somewhat longish" game. Happily, it's not in the "done" stage yet, so there's still time for considering shortening changes!
Really, though, this is all conjecture until I actually playtest the latest version. I'm not all that worried about game length, to be honest. I don't think it will be that bad. I could be wrong, of course! But I do respect the concerns you guys are raising, and appreciate your bringing them up.
Ok, after my discussion with Seth, I got to thinking hypothetically as to how the game could be streamlined, if such a thing were desirable. The most likely edifice that could be taken down would probably be the system of diamond tokens/cities/markets. So let’s say those were removed. This would simplify things, but it would leave the problem of prefect abilities probably being weaker than what they’d need to be to make the game playable. So as an alternative, perhaps players are each given three tokens, numbered 1-3. When you choose a Prefect ability, you associate with it one of these numbers and that gives the degree of the ability that you can use. (So, for example, the Governor with a 3 token could reduce Unrest 3 levels).
This may be a good start, but Seth also worried that some of the actions themselves (e.g., production) were too complicated in and of themselves. With this system, I’d still be left with the problem of defining a meaningful set of actions that could vary in ability between 1-3 uses per turn. The two tricky ones appear to be “produce” and “add citizens”. Both could be connected to number of territories (ie, the number token would give the number of territories that could produce or the number of territories in which you could add citizens), but the reason that acitons aren’t currently based on such a scheme is because it makes those actions too have a sustainable income, for example, you need to be producing from all your territories, not just 1 or 2. So you’d almost always associate the “3” token with the production ability, which would be undesirable.
Just some thoughts. Nothing I’m ready to commit to yet, but just brainstorming how the game would be streamlined, if I wanted to do so...