Everyone of us has seen "countless" card games with stats for cards that are way too familiar with stats such as "Attack" and "Defense".
I'm not looking for other "terms" (like Power and Toughness, Firepower and Resistance, etc.) ... I'm looking for a NOVEL way to combat.
I have a "mathematical"-mechanic for computing scoring and I already have a Mana replacement dice-mechanic. Those two (2) mechanics are original and I have done some playtesting already. Also there is a "range"-mechanic which controls what "reach" a card may have to attack another card.
All that is NOVEL and good.
The trouble I am having is trying to figure out how to have a novel COMBAT mechanic that allows me to have fully tracked "Health" and some other way of figuring out "HOW Damage is to be assigned and distributed"?
Anyone have any ideas??? Please feel free to share your thoughts and ask any questions, in case I have not been sufficiently clear in my explanation.
Okay so initially I was going to TRACK "Health" of each card. This seemed like the way to go... But going over past iterations, I found one that used Mana/Stats in a different way.
Let me explain and then it may be more clear.
As explained the Resources for a game are determined by rolling standard 4d6s: 3 White and 1 Black.
Each dice can be "attached" to one resource. The resources of the game are:
Power = Physical Attacks inflicting material wounds.
Skill = Abilities involving subterfuge, secrecy and stealth.
Magic = Magical Powers that are used to cast Spells.
Now instead of using HEALTH which is another stat and could lead to too much direct damage (eg. 4 x 10 HP = 40 Damage against a unit that only has 30 Health) ... What if instead each unit could have some kind of COMBINATION of STATS.
For example: A Fighter has 3 Power and 2 Skill. If you ONLY use an opposing unit which is strong in POWER... You MAY be able to reduce the Fighter's Power to ZERO (0)... But he would still be ALIVE because of the 2 Skill!
This is so FREAKEN AWESOME... Because it means you need to COMBO with other units and some have spells while others have other types of direct attack. Or use an "Advanced Tactic" which deals some kind of OTHER damage.
Like for the Fighter, his "Advanced Tactic" could be "Frenzy": 1 Power + 1 Skill. So the Frenzy Tactic could be used AGAINST a Fighter... But still he could hold off and survive with 1 Skill remaining. So you would need to find another unit to do some "SKILL" Damage to defeat the Fighter.
Something like that... Like I said, sometimes it is worth it looking up older ideas, past iterations and older designs. You may not find the exact answer, but it may give you some inspiration! Or change your way of viewing the game.
For certain this is what I will be using... I just prototyped ONE (1) card and I am sure this is the BEST way to go. Cheers all!
Note #1: Figured I'd just give a 2nd sample: "Breath of Fire" (Red Dragon) has 6 Power and 4 Magic. He is one BAD-ASS to defeat. Not only is he MIGHTY (with 6 Power) ... He is also an Enchanted Creature with some serious Magic imbued inside of him (with 4 Magic). Plus he is Flying with a Range of "3" giving him more room to threaten the opposing units. This was just for FUN! Just to demonstrate what the game and some of it's card may look like...