After a lot of play testing. I have decided on making trivia documents. These papers are going to be massive compared to the manual.
All the hints, tips and tricks regarding to the board game, that I ever though of, will be in there.
The first one is going to be on, "Why spend XP on other things than just Damage upgrades?" Because... well, really, new players continue with starting with the cheapest upgrade. I got a bit tired of explaining certain things over and over again.
Other documents will be on:
The best way to compile well balanced armies.
Why the h... do I need that unit for?
The best way to play that mission!
Any advice on the best method of creating such documents?
I also do this, because I have enjoyed making the first document so far.
Frustration leads to blindness.
A forum or board would be a great idea! It is, how my project started too. And most games that have hidden complexity, use as well a forum.
A wiki page. I think, I will leave that in the hands of some one else at that point. But that is even a better idea. I guess, I could provide that person with a starting point. Or at least help correct the information that they are gathering.
Might as well be "another" member of the board that doesn't say. Hey! I am the designer of the game. Didn't do that either with WargameX for the fun of it.
But for the time being. When they ask the same questions over and over. A FAQ would do?