Melee in space hulk have the space marine roll one dice against three dice roll of the genestealer. Take the highest die result from the throw, highest die wins.
I'm thinking in using this dice roll mechanics on my game. Could anyone tell me the probability of win per added dice?
I understand if it's one dice vs one dice, both roll have equal chance to win. How far of the disadvantages of the player that rolls one less die?
And even if one player rolls ten dice against one die, the one dice still have a chance to beat the ten dice, this is what I love with this mechanics.
I think there's a misunderstanding here.
Player A roll 2 dice: result 1 and 5
Player B roll 3 dice: result 2,3,4
Take each player's highest die result and compare them. In the case of the example above, player A wins over player B, with 5 beating 4.
Thus the probability question, how many percentage does a player with more dice to beat the lesser die?