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Brain Swappers

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RogueLieutenant's picture
Joined: 09/25/2013

So the idea just came to me today. A game where everyone starts out controlling a character, each possibly with a unique ability, but as the game goes on, players can play cards to switch brains with other characters, changing which unique body they are controlling.

The object would likely be to be the first one to gain a certain amount of knowledge (the only thing I could think that would stick with your brain and not your body).

Players could gain cards to play to switch bodies or block others from taking over their bodies or gain knowledge etc.

that's the basic idea.

what do you think?

Joined: 10/07/2013
similar idea

Wow! I am actually working on a similar idea with a different theme. It would involve buying other players' officers (like a bribe) in order to acquire their resources. I was thinking of it as a medium-heavy party game because the amount of resources involved in "bribing" needed to be as simple as possible. So, to get to my comment on your game, I like the idea of brain snatching, but I think that in addition to your card play it might need a cost/combat mechanism in order to prevent the same high value brain from being passed around like Thanksgiving gravy! A simple way of achieving this is to employ dice in a "contest of wills". That way there is a good chance that attempts to switch brains can be thwarted. For my game, I was going for a combination of resource management, income, and possibly bribe checks using dice (where a successful check means the bribe was successful). Good luck!

Joined: 10/08/2013

It's be fun to try this. I was thinking of cards that act as victory points (knowledge cards). There could be some bad knowledge (wrong info, bias, bigotry, etc) that could also be floating around.

Maybe have the targets have a knowledge stat which represents how much they know. When a player jumps into one, they take all the knowledge and must leave a card behind. At the start of each turn, any target without their max cards draws random cards to fill them back up.

Some knowledge could be dangerous, so someone could leave a bad card for you if you jump into a target someone else had been in.

That's all I've got atm.

RogueLieutenant's picture
Joined: 09/25/2013
No uniques

I was thinking of having a mental duel feature (essentially the same mechanic as Edge Battles in the Star Wars LCG if you're familiar). But basically you'd wager the cards in your hands against your opponent to either gain what knowledge they have or something.

I think i might do away with unique player abilities. It'll put everyone on an even level.

And there will be one knowledge associated with each player. These pieces can only be accessed by the corresponding body, meaning everyone would have to possess every body at least once to gain all the knowledge (or possibly mental duel someone for it.)

THe game would be on a grid of tiles, each with paths. These paths would rotate and shift throughout the game making sort of a living labyrinth.

In order to escape (and win) you need to have gathered all of the knowledge and get to the exit with your original body (perhaps also with a physical Key, which would stay with whichever body picked it up and you'd need to duel to steal it).

RogueLieutenant's picture
Joined: 09/25/2013

Just to clarify, you are the brain, not the body in this game.

So black player starts with black brain and black body, red player with red brain and red body, etc.

If the red player and black player switch brains, the red body now has a black brain and black body a red brain.

The red PLAYER now moves the black body with his red brain in control. Essentially you're moving around the other guy's body.

This whole idea sort of (barely) stemmed from an episode of Top Gear (UK duh) Where they had a race where each driver was controlling the other car with a remote. It was trippy and funny.

Joined: 10/09/2013
Jeremy FTW!

RogueLieutenant wrote:
This whole idea sort of (barely) stemmed from an episode of Top Gear (UK duh) Where they had a race where each driver was controlling the other car with a remote. It was trippy and funny.

It's the only version of Top Gear to watch. How can you take any americans over Jeremy and his crew!

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