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deck building RPG

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Joined: 08/13/2012

I had an interesting idea for a deck building RPG where the players are adventuring in a large dungeon. The basic idea is that a player gets experience by completing things in the dungeon (defeating monsters, unlocking doors etc.)

Rough gameplay description
At the beginning of the game you can choose a few weak cards to start with in your deck, shuffle it up and draw 5 cards (I will just put 5 here as a placeholder)

  • On your turn you get some action points (unless you already have the maximum amount of action points)
  • You can play cards, each card needs a certain amount of action points to play (powerful cards require you to take a few turns to collect enough action points)
  • It takes on action point to move to an explored card or explore a new card (the goal of the game is to complete these cards. If it is a monster, you need to kill it, if it is a locked door you need to unlock it)
  • Each dungeon exploration card has a number of experience on it, if you complete that card you put the card you have completed into your EXP pile
  • You can buy new cards to add to your deck on your turn


That is a really rough gameplay description, just tell me if you don't understand it.

What I need
I need some kind of quest mechanic. Players will have to keep their quests secret and not show other players.

I was thinking that there could be certain points in the dungeon where you are given a new quest. Maybe completing quests is needed for winning?

Is there a good way to have a quest mechanic that is fun, challenging and maybe requires a bit of secrecy.

Joined: 12/25/2012
Player interaction

Hey Runedrake

This sounds like a fun yet simple concept, which can lend itself to a large audience if the mechanics aren't too detailed and the flow of the game is fairly simple.

Were you thinking of having different classes? Possibly the different classes could have a few varying attributes (such as +/- Health, +/- Starting Cards, +/- Starting Gold, etc).

For the quests, I think you first need to determine how the players are going to interact with each other. It sounds like you want the game to be competitive, so are players going to be able to interrupt other players and their quests? For example, if I am fighting a troll boss and have managed to almost kill it, can you swoop in for the kill? Or can you swoop in and retrieve the Amulet of the Troll King (which may be my required Quest Item to return for the quest reward)? Determine what level you want the players to interact to help determine how the quests will function.

Anyways, I'm interested in hearing more about your ideas. I'm just finishing up a redesign of my RPG Board Game prototype, so I'm sure we could bounce ideas off of each other and give constructive feedback.


JustActCasual's picture
Joined: 11/20/2012
Mind Meld

Maybe the dungeon cards are face down, so only people who have been in that room know what is there? Then you flip it up for completion. It would make quests neat, because you would have to bargain with other players for information which may not even be accurate.

"I need to find and defeat 3 goblins...does anyone know which room they're in?"
"I'll tell you if you tell me where to find a ruby"
"Okay, I think I saw a trapped ruby in this room"
"Welllll, there might be some goblins over here :)"

Brings the secrecy element as well as a bit of competitive memory and interaction.

In this example the quests would be recipe cards. They would go in the EXP pile when completed...maybe it's a larger amount of EXP and you have to pay EXP to draw one? (Lost Cities is awesome)

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
I wrote a related thread on

I wrote a related thread on BGG about the idea of deck building between adventures:

A designer said he made a dungeon crawler with deck building between quest and that it was interesting.

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