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Shoe's picture
Joined: 12/21/2012

So, here is the most recent, and close to final draft of the game I have been working on called Fisticuffs. I've talked about it a little in other threads, but I'd love to have people critque the game and even playtest it.

I only have the white resource cubes done up in a template, so you can just ignore the other ones for the time being. I;'m not sure they are staying in the game. All fighters can be played as identical.

Brief Summary:

Fisticuffs is an old-timey boxing game with with steam-punk and a hint of Street Fighter influences. Players attempt to Win the best of 5 Feature Matches using three fighters you train to have new abilities throughout the game. Players spend XP to gain abilities and attach them to one of their fighters. Then the fighters enter the "Feature Match" using a shared pool of resource cubes to activate their abilities and try to KO the other fighter. Best of 5 matches wins.

Squinshee's picture
Joined: 10/17/2012
Just read through the rules

Just read through the rules and some of the cards for a better understanding. It sounds fun. I like the 'pool' a lot. It reminds me of Seasons in a way, so I'd suggest making them as chunky as possible.

Truthfully, as I read it, it sounds more like a resource management game than a game about fighting, which is fine because I think it's better to craft strong mechanics then apply theme than the other way around. I just want to let you know, at least from reading through, that very little feels like a fighting match. I think that might also stem from some of the defensive options, which seem static and obvious. Aside from the Dirty Trick cards in players' hands, you know what the opponent can do offensively and defensively. Is the pool there to limit these actions? You want to avoid gameplay that can lead to things like: "I shouldn't do X because my opponent will 100% of the time respond with Y."

It's very well that I don't fully understand everything here, but those were the areas I found of worry.

Shoe's picture
Joined: 12/21/2012
Thanks for the comments, I

Thanks for the comments, I started designing before I was aware of seasons, but there are some similarities. I love Seasons as a game too.

It is definitely a resource management game with a fighting theme, is that unappealing?

I wanted to make sure the game was more about strategy than randomness when I set out to design the game. When you are picking up the resource cubes and taking turns doing so, it feels a little more like trading blows, but I've wondered about changing the theme. I'd really prefer not to, as my artist has already started work, but if its a make or break thing I am open to it.

what do you mean by "I shouldn't do X because my opponent will 100% of the time respond with Y." Did you see something that specifically seems to negate an action? One of the core mechanics of the game, that is intended to keep things moving, is that defense is inherianly harder to get than offense. Does that help your impression of that scenario?



Squinshee's picture
Joined: 10/17/2012
Yes, it does. And skimming

Yes, it does. And skimming your cards again, defensive options really are quite slim.

I also wouldn't worry about theme. Hell, look at Seasons. I mean, what is that game about other than weird art and a clock-like meter? It doesn't prevent the game from being fun.

Shoe's picture
Joined: 12/21/2012
True...the theme in seasons

True...the theme in seasons is wierd and hard to even remember.

Defensive options can come from dice too. You can spend the purple evil face sides at a 1:1 rate for defense, but you have to store them on your fighter.

One of the biggest problems I still have in the game is that there are some attacks that do 4 damage in the late game and if you get one off on the first action of combat, you can 2-shot an enemy.

The fact that it usually only happens late in the game, or when one person plays well and gives better abilities to his or her fighter makes me somewhat ok with it, but there have been some feature Matches that were kind of a boor...but they were not so boring to the person who won the match obviously

Squinshee's picture
Joined: 10/17/2012
Have you thought about adding

Have you thought about adding in some negative feedback loops that prevent the fighters from being mis-balanced?

Shoe's picture
Joined: 12/21/2012
I'm not sure what you mean

I'm not sure what you mean

Squinshee's picture
Joined: 10/17/2012
Understanding feedback loops

Understanding feedback loops is really important for game design.

Monopoly has a brutal POSITIVE feedback loop: the more money you have, the more things you can build/buy, which in turn gets you more money. More money = even more money. That's why an early lead is so good.

Mario Kart has a very obvious NEGATIVE feedback loop: the further ahead you are, you receive worse power-ups AND you move slower relative to your opponents. The further behind you are, you receive better power-ups AND you move faster relative to your opponents. This helps keep the action more centralized, allowing for chances to upset winner.

Both of these cases are EXTREME examples of feedback loops and how they affect games. When they are this extreme, it creates for frustrating experiences where either victory is hopeless or victory is more random.

Your game has a negative feedback loop where the winner of the previous fight goes second, allowing the other player a slight advantage. All I'm saying is that maybe you could incorporate something so that the two players aren't too disparate in strength.

Shoe's picture
Joined: 12/21/2012
Ahh, yes....i have a

Ahh, yes....i have a different name I've used for that...i've always just referred to it as Runaway leader/runaway loser.

There is a balance. When you win a fight, you get 3 xp to spend on more abilities and possibly a trophy card

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