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I present to you, "APOC"

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ThisIsMyBoomstick's picture
Joined: 03/30/2013

This might be a long-ish read for some of you, but I really want to share, so I'll provide a short summary.

A co-operative where the majority of players take control of individual Survivors while one player controls the enemies in all of the combat scenarios. The game features car combat and ground combat set in the post-apocalyptic future where players fight off Mutants and Gangs while exploring the Wasteland and completing missions for the more civilized folks in the world.


I've been working on this game pretty hard for a few days, drawing inspiration from here and there, trying to think of what will work and what will not, and I've arrived at a basic concept which I've almost completed the Alpha Rules for. I feel it might be ambitious, being my first truly developed project, but I really don't know what to compare myself to. I have high hopes that if the idea really resonates with fans of the Post Apocalyptic genre, I can actually get this out there as a product some day.

Anyway, I figured I should go ahead and share.

It is a miniature board-game meant to be played with 2-5 people, up to four of which can control the Survivors. One player must always be in control of the enemy element in any combat scenario, and I plan to later introduce rules for an 'Advanced' section that will allow the enemy player to control more aspects of the game.

The object of the game is to complete an allotted amount of missions before failing too many. The missions are gained in small settlements and the city, and they will have the players doing anything from simply exploring the surrounding areas to completely exterminating enemies, both on and off road.

Road Gangs provide a constant threat on the highways that link all of the locations, and both Muties and Gangers have their fair share of critters and bad guys running around waiting to get up close and personal with the players.

I'm just now getting very close to completing my Alpha ruleset for the game (I have to type out the rules for combat and scrounging, and make cards), and I have to say that it's shaping up pretty well. It's just daunting because this is the first game I've ever truly sat down with and developed beyond a mere concept. When I landed on the idea, I thought it was perfect because I honestly cannot think of any Post-Apocalyptic games that include all of the popular elements of that setting. To be completely fair, I can't think of ANY Post-Apocalyptic board games.

My inspirations were the Mad Max series of movies, the Fallout games, and the Rage game. I think that should give people a pretty good idea of the kinds of combat and scenarios I'm going for.

The game is designed to be very simple to play, but I intend to add plenty of optional rules to enhance the experience for the players that would like it.

I have a basic web of topics that I originally organized in the form of a Table of Contents.

In case there are questions about anything specific, take a look through this list and I can give you a rundown of everything concerning that topic.

The Cards
Game Setup
Player Setup
World Map Breakdown
Road Map Breakdown
Combat Map Breakdown
Attaining Missions
Car Combat
Ground Combat
Completing and Failing Missions
Winning the Game
Mission Specifics

Joined: 04/30/2013
with the amount of features

with the amount of features you have planned, you will have to test each feature out, or a few at a time, to see how difficult it will be to keep track on their own.

from my own experience, a player does not like having to manage about 8 things at one time(at one time meaning you can have eg:16 variables, but have 8 or less being considered at any one time)

ThisIsMyBoomstick's picture
Joined: 03/30/2013
No worries.

The management aspect shouldn't be very difficult at all.
There actually aren't that many things that need to be kept track of at any given time.

For the player's character, there will be three skills. Driving, Combat, and Scrounging. There is also a Health Tracker, but all players have 8 Health, and Health isn't difficult to manage.

As far as the three skills are concerned, at the beginning of the game, each player will have 9 points to divide amongst them, and each one has to have at least 1 point in it.

Skills won't ever overlap in their uses, so when you're driving around, you use Driving, when you're fighting on the ground using guns and melee weapons and such, you use Combat, and when you want to scavenge and scrounge, you use Scrounging.

When driving on the road and Traveling across the greater stretches of the wastes, all that needs to be kept track of for the actual Vehicles are the Gas and the Hull. There are also upgrades that can be applied to Vehicles, but these only increase dice pools for the players or tack on a negative or two for Ganger Vehicles.

For the ground combat part, the only things that really need to be worried about are Health, Armor, and Ammo.

And then when you're in a Settlement, you worry about Ammo, Gas, and Parts, which are all used as currency.

So with that said, players don't need to keep track of any more than three things at any given time. The only thing that really makes that number variable are any cards that could be used during combat.


Joined: 04/30/2013
if you are confident of the

if you are confident of the amount of accounting the player has to do at any given time, all fine and well, although my main concern was that you test them out, preferably among a group of friends, find the kinks, and then come back with questions which require solutions, because there isnt much for anyone to work with right now, which is reflected by the lack of replyers other than myself

you will never know what your game plays like until you play them out. for example, combat is a particularly messy component of any game, mainly for variable results. you will never know how impartial your system is until you try it. if a losing player cant turn the tide, your players rapidly lose interest, even the leading player, because victory or defeat is only a matter of time and not strategy beyond a certina point.

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