Following in our minimal dice sports games......I present Pocket Golf (WIP)
A fast, fun, simple golf game for on the go, beers with mates, travelling etc.
This is kind of a print and play....all you need is a D6, follow the distance tables & SKILLS etc. I've included 5 holes to try it out on.
Eventually there will be 8 custom dice (8 clubs) & 1 custom made cotton bag - pen & paper for scoring - that's all you need.
Players take turns rolling the club die of their choice, considering the length of the hole and what hazards may be encountered.
Use of SKILLS - At the start of each round, players have 4 SKILLS that can assist in gaining strokes, or avoiding hazards. They can only be used once per round.
Use of GRACE yards must be equal to the exact amount UNLESS it is <1yard
Putting - if you have only 1 yard to hole out, this is a gimme. Anything other distance under 16yards, requires up to that length rolled.
Example - player is 9yards away from the hole. He must roll the 8to10 or anything above to be successful. Rolling below that distance will reuslt in the maximum
value being subtracted form the distance remaining.
Example - player rolled 2to4. 4yards are subtracted from 9 - leaving 5yards still to the hole.
I've attached an XLsheet with tables for clubs & distance - list of SKILLS and 5 holes you can play!
Thoughts? Feedback? After you've tried it of course.....!
Hi folks.....I'm really looking for at least some feedback on this....keen to get a short print run out and have the factory on stand by....
I'd appreciate some eyes to have a read thru and roll of the dice. Many thanks!