Hello, I'm super new to designing board games so I was hoping I could get some input on this idea. Here is what I have so far.
I would like to make something that is sort of a spin-off of the old Oregon Trail PC game. You have a band, currency for supplies, supply options, and a journey to finish with as many survivors as possible.
I want it to revolve heavily on the decisions of the players. They will have the opportunity to help each other's band out, trade with them (be it crew, food, water, or technology), or sabotage them. How they interact with each other will add or detract points from different areas (Empathy/Morality, Power/Discipline, and Currency/Supplies). The win factor will rely on those three point values, will be chosen randomly (with the draw of a card), and only be revealed at the end of the game. So the game is never the same, and some decisions you make are never the right one all the time.
The twist however would be that it is based off of the realistic perils of space travel (moon dust, re-entry/landing, loss of bone density, aging, & insanity) In addition I would like it to pay homage to some great sci-fi creations; Serenity, FarScape, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and Battlestar Gallactica (ie. using verbiage like Frak/Shiny and referencing technology)
I am trying to determine how much I should characterize each band/player option (military?Average Joes? Academics?). For a while I was considering providing the characterizations with a card draw, each card having a "commander" as well as their back story, weaknesses, and strengths (which would limit the options people can make later). But maybe I should just not characterize them?
Eventually I'd like there to be some wiggle-room with the rules so expansions can be made (Horror, Gods, and maybe Grim Dark) that can add more complications when decisions are being made and also provide additional stimulus for those who know the game well and want more of a challenge.
Has this been down before? Are there elements I'm missing to make this actually an engaging game? Would the elements be to complicated? Am I stepping over the line somehow by simply referencing these big time sci-fi classics?
Any advice/input would be helpful. If you have any questions about game play or anything else I would be happy to answer them.
I will attach some artwork and designs i've been working on soon.
@Cody - I would like it to be both of those things. One of the main ideas or points to the game would be weighing important choices, knowing who to trust, when to form alliances, and when to take advantage of the opportunities provided by other players .
Sorry about the late replies, I'll be posting some of the designs tonight if you guys would be willing to help me with suggestions or critique. :)