I've been working on a worker placement/kingdom builder game but i feel like the medieval dark ages idea has been really over-used and WAY saturated. Does anyone have any ideas of what else I could use? this game involves players trying bidding on different resources and trying to use those resources to expand their kingdom. But due to a limited board space, expanding the kingdom means eventually building over your resources and making them unusable.
Anyone have any thoughts on what else Icould do that would work with this king of game that's not "youre a king" or "youre building this for the royal family" or whatever else.
Also, a settlers game is kind of out of the qusetion
i thought about space but it feels like it's getting way too over-used as well.
maybe post apocalyptic? What could the resources be, i need 4.
the only thing the theme would change is cosmetics, everything else is pretty much the same.
Like i said, castle town would be ok, but i feel like it's a little "meh"
if you need any more info on mechanics just ask.