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Seven Courses

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Joined: 08/10/2008

The basic idea is that you have to balance scoring victory points with ratings stars: the player with the fewest stars doesn't score VPs in each round, but you need VPs to win the game.

A bunch of dice go in the bag, each player pulls out seven and rolls them. Red numbers indicate victory points, green ones indicate rating points and orange ones indicate bucks with which you can buy stuff or abilities. You pick the die you like most and keep it, and pass on the remainder to your neighbor. (so you'll roll seven times and you'll have seven dice.) The player who has the fewest rating points is out of the round and scores no victory points or bucks. Players can now spend their bucks on abilities (being able to reroll or grab another die from the bag) or extra points (pay $3 for 5 vps).

After a certain number of courses (originally this was a card game and set in a restaurant), the player with the most victory points is the winner.

Does this sound interesting? Does the die roll and draft & pass mechanism mesh? Is the idea of three different currencies workable?

Thanks for any help you have,

Joined: 10/13/2011
Dice Variation

Sounds like a nice party game for a group. Not too complex, easy to learn, random element for excitement.

Do you picture all the dice as being identical? It seems some of the "strategy" in this game would come from there being a limited number of dice with each currency available. If some of the dice only have 1 or 2 currencies, then there may be tough decisions mid-way in the round and rolls at the end of the round where certain currencies aren't even available.

What were you thinking for theme? I think your food idea could work, but do you have other ideas?

Sounds like a great start!

Joined: 08/10/2008
Dice Makeup

No, all of the dice would be different, in terms of how many different currencies were on each die, blank faces, and the value of each face. (Some would also have negative values.)

Originally, I wanted to do something with the "golf" card game, where you can peek at a couple of your cards, but the only time you get to look after that is when you're discarding and replacing. The theme was because I was watching a cookery show at the time, it could easily be replaced or just be an abstract.

I came up with a couple of ideas that would negate the idea of having orange as money. One is that the single player who scores the most orange over the course (see what I did there?) of the meal or the game would get a VP bonus.

The other is that green would stay as stars, but red, blue and orange would be victory points, and you'd score it like Tigris and Euphrates--your overall score is the score for the category you're worst in.You still need a good rating to score your hand, but now you have to juggle three different flavors of points.

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