So, I know dungeon crawl games are a dime a dozen, but I had an idea the other day that I really liked and wanted to throw out to see if anyone knew of a game that already did this.
Picture a classic dungeon crawl game, but instead of there being 1 character per player and a GM like player, what if players could control pieces from either side and didnt care about advancing a character, just about earning XP by killing stuff.
They could activate monsters, pc's and play cards for any unit they activated. Once a player activates a character, it would stay under thier control until it died or they take an action to relinquish it.
Each time you kill a piece or earn XP or somesuch thing you get points...the major mechanical difference being that you are neither adventurer or GM, but a little of both
The idea stems from me noticing that most dungeon crawls still contain a method of player elimination.
The idea would be to gain the most experience by the time the game ends (on a timer maybe or when one side or the other is killed)
The goal isnt for a side to win, just to kill the most stuff, the working title is "Dungeon of Frag Mountain", so the game will be a bit toung in cheek focusing on fragging anything that moves regardless of monster/party member status.
I haven't gone very far into the game's design yet, because I know dungeon crawls are done quite often, but I also think i can do it in a way that hasn't been done before.
I dont want to waste time rehashing a game that already exsists too