If not, that's ok too, just means i'll be playing against myself a lot XD
Anyways, my game is called Toy Wars, I'll give a link to the rules to save text space here and i'll give another link for the cards themselves
The two biggest things I am looking for are how the game itself plays and feels and balancing on the cards themselves. There are a total of 42 cards so far and I want to take my time balancing these cards before creating new ones, as I feel like the number I have right now is just enough without being too much.
Thanks in advance! And again, if this isn't possible, that's ok :)
Just more time i'll have to spend playtesting it myself
Link to Rules - http://txt.do/dzbkr
Link to Cards - http://txt.do/dzbkq
Thanks in advance!
Form-Helicopter and Form-Plane both have 0 Health. According to your rules, it seems they would be destroyed as soon as they were placed.
Toy Box needs work. It heals units it swaps (those that are put back in the deck, that is), unless you provide some way to track health for damaged units. However, since it must be played in the front row then it's likely it will become the next target, and therefore not be used at all. I'm unsure if this is the effect you want for this card.
When you revise your cards, be sure to clarify the use of the words "can" and "may" and "must."
I also strongly recommend you reduce the power levels of the cards to a range of 1 through 10 or 12. Additionally, the game should include tokens or clips to account for the bonuses granted by other cards. It will be a challenge for you and your players to keep track of these bonuses when cards become exhausted (it seems to me like the tokens would be fiddly, slow down game time, and maybe even shift to other cards or regions of the play area accidentally as time goes on).
The text for Spinning Top can confuse players. It seems to me that the text is redundant, and it should simply read something like, "When this card is activated or targeted, throw a die. The result indicates its Agility: 1 = ..."
Regarding Form - Van: are all stats boosted, or just one? Does the boost remain from round to round? Do these boosts stack? Does the Form - Van heal itself with this ability?
This is a start, and there's potential in your idea. I suggest you embrace your enthusiasm you have for this idea, channel it into the energy you need to write some clear rules, and create some basic cards for a workable prototype. Good luck! :)
Form Helicopter and Form Plane wouldn't be destroyed right away, but instead will be destroyed whenever they are attacked.
Hmm, yeah, it sounds like Toy Box could use some tweaking.
I will make sure to clarify words like "can", "may" and "must" when they should be used.
I do plan on reducing the power levels, just haven't done it yet.
I will try to rewrite Spinning Top to make it simpler.
Form-Van gains the stat boost to all stats until that one battle it used it in is over, then all of it's stats get reduced by 25 afterwards.
Thanks for the feedback, I plan to make this game a reality!