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Inkscape countersheetsextension (cards, tiles, tokens, standees, etc) version 2.2

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pelle's picture
Joined: 08/11/2008

I just tagged the current version as 2.2.

Download is here:

Changes since 2.1:

- New option to also put registration marks on the back.

- New option to offset backs.

- New option for spacing between counters.

- Empty value for clone removes it from the generated counter.

- Empty value for image removes image from generated counter.

- Styled text has predictable ids to make it possible to add extra style easily from spreadsheet.

- Dialog options split into multiple tabs.

- Many new templates for cards, counters, markers, standees included.

- Added and improved documentation, with illustrations added to several pages that had none.

- Many major and minor bugfixes.

This is likely to be the last version (possibly except for some minor bugfixes) that supports Inkscape pre-1.0. Inkscape 1.0 is currently in beta and could be out any day. It has a rewritten extensions API meaning that version 2.2 of the countersheetsextension does not support Inkscape 1.0 or later. Of course also if you are still using any older version of the extension it will stop working if/when you upgrade to Inkscape 1.0.

Discussion thread on bgg:

Documentation in github wiki:

pelle's picture
Joined: 08/11/2008
If anyone is interested in

If anyone is interested in printing cards laid out 4 per sheet with fronts and backs for folding, I just posted and experimental version that can do that (set rotation for fronts and backs, combined with various older features can make the cards line up correctly). There is some discussion on bgg and a post describing how to test this new feature.

(Technically that could be done in older versions as well, but with much more effort and manually rotating the templates etc. This is much more automatic and less error-prone. If it works as well as I hope it does.)

pelle's picture
Joined: 08/11/2008
Working on a version that

Working on a version that supports Inkscape 1.0 (much of the work done by jamis on GitHub). It would be fantastic to get more feedback from users on different operating systems to be able to make a proper release for Inkscape 1.0 soon.

The current experimental version can be downloaded here (it does NOT run in older Inkscape versions):

Updates are mainly posted on the bgg thread:

I am available both in that thread and here (and on github) if anyone have questions or feedback.

PDF export seems a bit unstable or/and slow. That is the only known issue at the moment, but no doubt there are other more subtle things that are broken as well, especially on some platform it has not been tested on extensively yet.

pelle's picture
Joined: 08/11/2008
Of course feedback on the

Of course feedback on the older version is still welcome, from anyone still on Inkscape pre-1.0. There might be new releases for old Inkscape as well if there is demand, but most new features are likely to only be supported for Inkscape 1.0.

pelle's picture
Joined: 08/11/2008
The version on the master

The version on the master branch on github now supports Inkscape 1.0.

There is no official release tagged yet, but if you just click the green Code button and then Download ZIP that is the version you get now.

Direct download link for the lazy:

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