Okay fellow Game Designers... In my current WIP (Work-In-Progress), players build (Deck Construction) a deck containing nine (9) Monsters. Each Monster is comprised of 1 "Stat" card and 1 or 2 "Enhancement" cards (depending on which Monster is chosen).
To clarify, there are THREE (3) Decks:
1> The Monster Deck comprised of nine (9) Monster cards.
2> The Stats Deck comprised of nine (9) Stat cards.
3> The Enhancement Deck comprised of nine (9) or MORE Enhancement cards.
Here's my "problem"... I'm wondering if I should put a SIMPLE "Hard Cap" on all the cards and say something like: "Maximum three (3) identical cards."
Because here's the issue. While all Monster sets are "balanced" (More or less)... The KEY is to re-use cards in an "UN-BALANCED" fashion. So while your typical "Gremlin" is 2,500 ATK and 2,500 DFS ... Why not use the Leviathan's Stats and make MY Gremlin at 4,000 ATK and and 2,500 DFS!!!
While this is EXACTLY what I want to "promote"... I don't want to have abuse like: "My Deck is nine (9) Leviathans".
Anyone have IDEAS or ways of preventing this type of "ABUSIVE PLAY"??? Or should I just say: "Maximum three (3) identical cards" in each of the three (3) Decks???
I want to AVOID a "Pay-to-Win" Model. What I mean by this is cards from "Series 1" should be competitive with cards from "Series 99"... But I feel like releasing more "cards" (or Monster Sets to be accurate) may introduce more "swing-y" play if not "controlled" carefully.
However at the same time, we WANT to players to introduce HIGHER "scoring" cards and content... To make for memorable "Johnny" moments during a game.
So this is just a small comment... For others to THINK about how we can continue to deliver more content, but NOT having it to be "Pay-to-Win"...!