Does anyone know where I could find a list of Board Game reviewers that I could send review copies of my self published game to? Thanks
Board Game Reviewers
-*The Dice Tower:
(E-Mail = [$150-250 for a paid review]
-*Father Geek:
(Link/Form = [Free]
-Purple Pawn: (Submit News) [Free]
-*The Gamers Table:
(E-Mail =
-Table Tested:
(E-Mail =
-*All Us Geeks:
(Link/Form =
-Gamer Chris:
(E-Mail = [Free]
* = Sites with a relationship with The Game Crafter:
Please note the Dice Tower does not charge for reviews, that's been said here before and it's probably not a good idea to repeat false information which paints someone in a negative light. They charge for "Paid Previews" which is where they produce a game overview video usually to help promote a Kickstarter campaign. That's not a review and is not presented as such.
If they review a game, they do so for free and always have done.
If they review a game, they do so for free and always have done.
Well I guess it's good to point out that The Dice Tower does BOTH.
If you want a paid review (or Preview whatever), it's good to know that The Dice Tower will make such a video!
And as for Free reviews, I'm not sure how busy they are, I know I spoke to Tom Vassel a couple of times regarding my Quest Adventure Cards(tm)... But we never heard if they were going to review the product or not. So I think they do free reviews, just may take a while until they get around to making one for your game!
That is why the "Paid review (or Preview)" is IMPORTANT: you can get a review of your game in a timely mannor, especially if you would like to use it for a Kickstarter campaign...
I'm not saying the paid preview isn't important, just that it's a different beast and to refer to it as a "review" is misleading. Paid previews are not reviews, they are purely promotional and essentially say whatever the game producer wants them to say in order to sell the game. Reviews are objective opinion on the game, good and bad with no intent to sell it. So the paid preview is not a review because it doesn't critique the game, it tries to sell it. Do you see the difference?
My concern here is purely that if you state in a public forum that Tom Vasel "reviews" games only when paid hundreds of dollars to do so you are potentially accusing him of a crime. The reason paid preview videos are flagged as such and reviews have the disclaimer "promotional consideration has been provided in the form of review copies of games" is that it has been a legal requirement in America since late 2009 to reveal any possible conflict of interests in reviewing products. In other words, they are required to disclose with every review that they received a free copy and it is illegal to present a "review" that has been paid for without clearly stating that it is paid.
Everyone can have an opinion about the relative ethics and incentive of a big name reviewer who receives free games to review, but to state that he accepts hundreds of dollars to do so is potentially libellous and not something I would want this site or community to be exposed to.
-*The Dice Tower:
(E-Mail = [Free, $150-250 for a paid preview]
-*Father Geek:
(Link/Form = [Free]
-Purple Pawn: (Submit News) [Free]
-*The Gamers Table:
(E-Mail =
-Table Tested:
(E-Mail =
-*All Us Geeks:
(Link/Form =
-Gamer Chris:
(E-Mail = [Free]
* = Sites with a relationship with The Game Crafter:
NOTE: The Paid Preview from The Dice Tower is a video examining your game. It is not a REVIEW. It is a purely promotional video of your product and essentially its goal is to HELP a designer in selling his game.
"The Cardboard Jungle" is also willing to do reviews. Anthony's tweet recently was: "If you have a game you would like reviewed/previewed, contact me 4 details thecardboardjungle at Assembled prototypes included."
I have a prototype strategy game that is ready for publisher review. I wanted to have a game reviewer take a look prior to bringing it to Origins in June. After contacting the DiceTower, I got a very friendly note saying they would not accept prototypes. Understandable for the biggest name in the review business. Table-Tested did not respond to e-mails to two different accounts or their Facebook. Anthony at The Cardboard Jungle answered within a day, and was happy to review the game for me. Good luck finding your reviewer.
Do you guys find it a best practice to email these guys before you send them your prototype to review?
I've always had contact with them over twitter or email so I never thought about the latter.
Just an FYI, as of a few weeks ago, Father Geek is also charging for reviews.
This has been hugely helpful to me - we've got a Kickstarter up and I've already heard back from some of the reviews listed here about getting us reviews of our game. Thanks!
Well it seems that Father Geek is charging for a "Kickstarter/Indiegogo Prepublished Game Review". They still are offering reviews for free for PUBLISHED games.
For more information check out this link:
Many thanks for the heads-up regarding this news.
Hi there
If you wouldn't mind having your upcoming games reviewed in swedish, we have an all new site here;
And we would love to review new and upcoming boardgames for the scandinavian readers.
Contact us through this form (name, email, subject, message)
Good Morning,
I just wanted to add "Dad's Gaming Addiction" to your list of reviewers.