What are your thoughts on Breadmaker, the upcoming alternative to Kickstarter? I hadn't heard of it until some time ago, but thought I would open it up here and see what people thought. Are you interested? Would you use it? Should I use them to crowdfund my game/ run a campaign? I personally like the idea, but its quite an uphill climb which is my biggest concern. Thoughts?
Yeah, that is my biggest concern. I mean the platform itself might be better, and I support the idea and think its great- but the name recognition and those backers are the thing. I think I remember reading somewhere that the average kickstarter project brings about 5-10% of the projects backers??? Is that correct? I don't remember where I read that. IF that is true, one might argue that it is not that much so is there really a big sacrifice? But 10% is a lot really, I would think.