I am new here, so this may be a stupid question, but I need to know it. Let's say I make a simple but very original abstract game and I want to make money and fame out of it by having someone publish it. Let's suppose farther, I don't ask individual publishers, and make the game public on the internet instead, publishing its rules in a blog for example, or even lettting people play it online with the computer opponent or so.
The question is, what if a game publisher happens to like the game and wants to publish it? Are they obligated in some way to ask me for permission and make an agreement with me? Or they don't need to do such things because the game is already public and the idea becomes public domain?
And what's the real practice in such situations?
This makes me confused.
Pelle: "Ideas are always public domain"
SLiV: "you don't gain any rights by not posting it online"
BGG guy: "You are automatically protected when your work is published (i.e. offered to the public)."
So what's the direct answer to my question "Are they obligated in some way to ask me for permission and make an agreement with me?" ? I suppose you are telling me I shouldn't post it online if I want to profit from the idea?