Hi all,
I'm working on a hero-strategy wargame, and I'm considering building a Silmarillion themed board for my next prototype-playtest version, and then I came to think of the following, more general question:
Do royalties or fees apply when using themes and names borrowed from fiction books in a board game? I'm not talking about direct copy of maps, images or designs, only the usage of story theme and names. How about e.g. previously published LOTR-board games or Harry Potter board games, did game publishers pay a fee or royalty or anything? Are there standard industry rates or is all up to individual negotiation? I have tried to google to subject but I have not found any clear information about the matter.
I will greatly appreciate any insight on this.
Thank you questccg for prompt and clear answer. This was as I had expected.
My takeaway is that I will stop focusing on using a theme as LOTR in my first game, but rather use a theme not protected by IP License.
A fantasy theme will likely be replaced by an historical theme.
Baby steps indeed, couldn't agree more.
Thanks again