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Glory & Riches Celebration

2 replies [Last post]
Joined: 02/19/2013

My first game has been picked up for publication. Some of you may remember reading through my draft instructions a year ago (Thanks for your help!). Jolly Roger Games has agreed to publish the game. The BGG site for Glory & Riches went up this weekend. The game is in art development now. Kickstarter is scheduled for May/Jun. The game should hit shelves in Oct/Dec. Thank you to everyone at BGDF for the resources and advice on how to get into board game design! If you are interested in the game, feel free to reach me here, on twitter at @WardenF16 or on BGG (WardenF16). Thanks Again!


questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011

I had a quick question:

-How long did it take before a publisher decided on publishing the game?

I am wondering because my WIP has been with a publisher for over 3 months... And they have yet to get back to me with any type of comments or decision. :(

Was this the first publisher you had dealt with? Or did you communicate with several???

Joined: 02/19/2013
Thanks for your question! I

Thanks for your question! I approached several publishers last year at Origins (had scheduled the meetings in advance). Jolly Roger took the prototype home from the show (June). He made the go decision in Oct, but we interacted several times along the way. From what I have read, that is normal only for the smaller publishers. If you are more interested in my process, the designer's journal on the Glory & Riches BGG site has a more blow-by-blow account. Good luck with your design!

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