I'm working on a startup called Avalaunch. Right now I'm doing market research, but if that goes well, I'll turn Avalaunch.com into a crowdfunding platform specifically for games - one that is itself a bit of a game. I really don't want to put forth hundreds of hours building it only to find out nobody wants to use it. So, my aim is to talk to some other game designers (I myself am a huge board game geek and an amateur game designer) and game publishers and see if there's a need for what I want to build.
My questions to anyone that has used Kickstarter: did you have any problems with the format/process? were you happy overall? what could they have done better?
And for everyone: what would you like to see in a launching platform?
Hopefully we can get a conversation going. I could definitely use your feedback.
Thanks for the reply!
There are some other niche crowd-funding sites: www.appsfunder.com for mobile apps is gaining traction, www.quirky.com for inventors, www.startsomegood.com for social entrepreneurs area few that come to mind.
It's obviously an uphill battle, with KickStarter dominating the market. Avalaunch would be different than the others though, which are all basically carbon copies of the KS model.
I'd definitely be following the mantra of "think big, start small". I want to begin in the board game market because it's such an awesome community that I personally love. The idea of going to board game convention after board game convention is extremely appealing to me. Also, the fact that the board game market is so small (vs other markets) is great for starting out. If things went well, I'd then expand Avalaunch into mobile and video games, which are literally 100x the market size. From there, who knows.
Plus, I love games. So, yeah, there's that.