"Wingo" costs about $600 USD per mold. I think if you send them samples of the pieces via air-mail, they can scan and produce 3D files. I think this service may cost you some money, not sure if they will charge you money or not...
But the thing is you need to be able to finance ALL the molds. ONE (1) piece costs $600 USD, so if you have 5 molds ... that $3,000 USD. Then it costs like $0.10 - $0.20 per piece depending on the complexity.
You would also choose the colors too.
Don't believe people if they say molds cost more than $600 USD each. Some people say the molds costs thousands of dollars... They are bullshiters. Don't listen to those people.
Like we all seem to agree, Kickstarter is probably no good for you. Unless you want to try to finance the production of the mold via KS. You can try, but if it's homemade ... you should try to create a chipboard quad-fold board instead of wood. Will be less expensive and offer a better chance that people BUY the game online (KS) with a more attractive price point.
That's another option I heard about: the Ion award. After all you guys have said I think I should go for it.