First things first, I am not a publisher, nor can I provide any contacts with a publisher.
Who I am is someone who has partially developed many card games, and has ultimately hit the same brick wall every time: distribution.
For the past several months I've been working off-and-on to build a very niche site specifically for those who create card games. I can't share the URL with everyone just yet, because to be perfectly honest I still have quite a few things on my wishlist. However, I am interested in sharing with a few game developers so they can check the site out, and offer feedback and suggestions.
If you're wondering, this site allows you to basically create a profile for your game (think MySpace, but for games you're working on). Each game profile gives you a blog where you can share development thoughts and news about your game, a place to upload card sets and images (which can be downloaded in a nice PDF format for people to print and play with), a wiki-esque rulebook that you can edit, and a simple message board where you can host discussions about your game.
Basically, you create your game on this site, and upload card images for your game. Others can come and select the cards & quantities they want to "download", and the site will make a nice PDF for them to print.
So many people have visions of getting their games published into the mainstream, but after many years creating games, I realized that what I really wanted was just to share my ideas with others. Each game I worked on would have required a website dedicated to it, but that isn't something that all game designers have the resources for. I created this site to be a one-stop collection of card game ideas, hopefully giving some of you designers a tool you can use to help get your game noticed.
If you are interested in a private demonstration and invitation to test this site, please leave me a private message. The site I've been working on is definitely in an alpha/beta condition (although many parts of it work really well). I have MANY things I still want to do to it, but I think the time has come to get some others to play around with it.
Edit: I almost forgot that this site is free. I won't go into details, but I am fortunate enough to be able to provide the site as a free resource to better the gaming community.
One of the goals of this site will also be to connect artists with game developers. Even though many game developers are also quite secretive, I hope that some are willing to share their ideas and designs. For every 1 game that makes it into mainstream (or even niche) production, there have to be atleast 1,000 that don't make it past the playtesting phase. So many people get stuck because they don't have a way to distribute or connect with artists. Hopefully this site will atleast give those developers a way to share their games with others, and possibly inspire others to continue where they've left off.
Whether you are a player or developer of CCG/TCG's, I would love to show you the site and get your feedback. Thanks again.