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Kick the tires on the SCRAMBO Kickstarter!

5 replies [Last post]
chris_mancini's picture
Joined: 05/01/2015

The finished video is finally up! The campaign is ready for preview:

I haven't added stretch goals yet as I'm still working through them, but here are some I'm readily comfortable with (i.e. not requiring gameplay alterations):

- Instructions upgrade: Full-color instructions on semi-gloss paper stock
- Box upgrade: Higher GSM (thicker) box
- Box upgade 2: Spot gloss printing

The dice are already engraved and painted resin, and I will not reduce their quality in order to dangle a goal that would otherwise drastically reduce the quality of the core game components should it never meet that goal.

Anyways I'd love to hear what you all think of it!

Joined: 04/08/2012
Minor KS Edit

On your Box content and rule page it reads: 2 - 6 Players.

In the Competitive, Fast Paced and Flexible text:

The flexible area it reads 2 - 8 players.

That is the only thing for me I see needs to be fixed.

Looks good over all.


chris_mancini's picture
Joined: 05/01/2015
Good catch; I initially had

Good catch; I initially had the game top out at 8 players but recently reduced it to 6 so that downtime is more manageable. Have to scrub things to make sure all is consistent.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011

The KS looks pretty good... My only additional piece of "advice" or comment would be to WAIT until "September" before launching the KS...

We had ours in May ... knowing that the summer months of June, July and August are terrible timing for KS campaigns. Gods of Tyn Harra which barely made any "noise" got about 20 backers. @Mike didn't know how summer months can be bad for campaigns - his campaign is living proof.

I already mentioned the Updates and starting conversations in the comments section... Try to get backers to help with KickTraq ranking, social media goals and all that good stuff to keep people engaged, interested and pushing for more backers.

"September" is usually "back-to-school" month and so people are usually back from summer vacations and general holidays and makes for a good time to try to find backers for your game.

That's all from me, looks pretty solid. Good price point and great "3 box" deal...


questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
One minor thing...

In the 3 for $30 reward it says:

"3 standard copies of SCRAMBO at a $10 discount!"

This is misleading. As it is written people might think they get $10 OFF.

To clarify I would re-write is as:

"3 standard copies of SCRAMBO at $10 each, a $6 discount!"

That's my only concern. The rest looks good.

chris_mancini's picture
Joined: 05/01/2015
Thanks Kris you're absolutely

Thanks Kris you're absolutely right!

I also fixed the part that Stormy caught...thanks guys!

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