This is my first post here. I've been having board game design as a hobby for more than ten years, but it's not until now that I finally have a game that I feel I could publish. I have a few balancing issues left to solve but I believe that once that's done I will be able to raise some money for it on kickstarter.
I will probably have a bunch of questions for you all as I proceed with this but for now I thought I'd just start with one. What name should the game have? What kind of copyright laws must I respect? The working name for my game has been "El Dorado", but there are already several games with that name (on boardgamegeek). It is an exploration game on an uncharted island where the objective is to find a hidden ruin. There's nothing in the theme specifically connected to the legend of El Dorado, so I could just as well call it something else, but I thought it would be a good idea to have a name that people recognize and connect to. So my questions are 1) if I can get in trouble for judicial reasons if I use that name or 2) if there are any other reasons why it's not a good name.
Thanks for bot of your responses. Good to know I don't have to worry about legal issues, but I see your point and I will think some more about using a different name.
Pehaps I'll take the suggestion and try to connect it with some other, less exploited, legend.