4 or 5 days ago some of you mentioned that I should submit my game to Board Game Geek...nobody wanted to do it at the it left me to try.
How does one get anything done on that site...
after 4 days I found this page
unable to fill out required fields because their data bases don't have the info.
I'll be darned if I am able to find out how to submit to the data base.
Their help is slow coming and unsubstantial. Admittedly so are my computer skills.
I am blown away by this...can anyone give me a few pointers, or are there business that specialize in communicating with these people.
Object : submit game to BGG
so that we can be reviewed
advertise there.
To be honest, my heart is broken from this experience, I have over 100K in the start up of this business and first product and nowhere to go. I'm from a non internet generation, and when I see that places like BBG have so much control of the markets, and no pride in the way their system works as to relating to people. Wow... makes me feel like setting fire to my inventory and giving up on a 40 year dream. Going to bed maybe tomorrow will be a better day.
Insanity was knocking on my back door...I'll go through the loops here in a few hours.
A short story to let you guys know how I see your spirit of helpfulness, you ability to put yourselves out there.
Back in the early 80's I was heading a team of canoeists across the United States. On the Fort Peck Reservoir on the Missouri River in North Eastern Montana, we had a storm roll over us. One man broke his back, another lost his back bone for continuing on with the trip, can't say as I blame him. I needed a new boat because the 25 foot sailing canoe we had was too much for me alone. I mentioned this to the director of the youth camp, of where we got the emergency help we needed.
He made a phone call. That person made a phone call, and so on, until a canoe was found in Wiliston North Dakota (couple 100 miles to the east). I bought that boat, it traveled on the hay trucks of one rancher to another (6X's) until it made it to me. each exchanging $300.00 and the boat. Did not cost me a penny extra...just darn good people...darn good.