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Possible Kickstarter Rewards for Shattered Empires

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Shattered Empires
Shattered Empires's picture
Joined: 10/16/2012

Possible Reward Tiers for Kickstarter. These are by no means set in stone but are the ones I'm looking at right now. I would love to hear what people think.

$1 Thank you. Every little bit helps.

$5 A booster pack and a choice of one of the promotional cards.

$10 3 Booster Packs or 1 Starter Deck plus a choice of one of the promotional cards.

$20 2 Starter Decks or 6 Booster Packs plus a choice of three promotional cards.

$50 All 5 Starter Decks or 15 Boost Packs plus a choice of five promotional cards.

$100 10 Starter Decks or Booster Box ( 24 packs ) plus full spread of promotional cards or Full Set

$1000 Choice of any of the previous rewards, plus you get to help design a card that will be featured in the final set. Your card will forever be part of the game. You’ll get a full sheet of your card ( cut or uncut ) signed by the artist of your choice from our lineup.

$5000 Any of the previous rewards plus we will personally travel out to you and teach you how to play the game. We will also include a full set of uncut sheets signed by the artists or game creator.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Margins too small

Shattered Empires wrote:
$1 Thank you. Every little bit helps.

Most Kickstarter campaigns start at $5 and add your name in credits (on a website for example).

Shattered Empires wrote:
$5 A booster pack and a choice of one of the promotional cards.

You should have another *Thank you* but have names in the game rules (Say $10). Remember you are trying to build up enough money for either artwork or to cover a limited production run. If you offer product, remember you have to pay to produce it. So $5 - cost to produce - shipping = $1 maybe... Not very good for funding...

I would start sending product at $25. Think of whatever you like, just remember you need to pay to produce the product and pay for shipping (to you AND then to the customer!) Plus you need to earn some extra funds.

I'm not certain what you have: I see you have boosters and then you also have starter deck. You also have promotional cards (which is good). One thing you should mention, that each purchase is a PRE-ORDER of the game (Pay to get the game first).

How many players, 2??? If so you should have (for example) a Starter Kit:
-2 Starter Decks (one for each player)
-2 Booster Packs
-1 Promotional .

You would have to explain more of your game structure (How many boosters, how many starter packs, how many cards in a booster, how many cards in starter, etc.)

But I think you are making too little on your early-on rewards. IMHO.

Joined: 12/31/2012
One thing I've seen more of

One thing I've seen more of recently is a limited number of "early backer" discounts on your main reward, usually $5-10 off. This gives people a sense of urgency about backing, which in turn helps people back later since they want to support something they think has a good chance of being funded.

Your first reward with an actual product should be enough to play the game, so I'm assuming a starter deck. Boosters can be add-ons for pledges past this point

Shattered Empires
Shattered Empires's picture
Joined: 10/16/2012
Kickstarter Rewards

"Your first reward with an actual product should be enough to play the game"

That is excellent advice and something that I really should have thought about when I was designing the tiers. I'll keep that in mind.

I've done a lot of research on the pricing for production and shipping. The $5 tier has a very low profit margin so it may benefit to switch it off the Booster pack and to just the thanks. I appreciate all the feedback.

As for what products will be available for the game, it is a collectible card game. The Starter Packs are playable out of the box while the boosters are meant to supplement those decks or help you create your own.

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