Not trying to sound mysterious, but I'm looking for guidance on the unknown. I'm working on a card game that I'd like to release to Kickstarter this year. This will be my first game and I've gotten some good input from Gamelyn games regarding approach. He said "Build a PnP version as soon as you can and get it up on BGG. Once your page gets to 10k views, start your KS."
So that seems reasonable, but I'm concerned about releasing my game into the wild before it's protected (to some degree at least). Before I drop a PnP should I copyright the game? If so, how? Should I get a lawyer to look over anything?
This question doesn't really cover all of my concerns, but it's a good start, and I expect I'll have more questions as some of you more experienced members respond.
Thanks in advance.
Wow. Thanks a lot everyone. I've skimmed every post in this thread, and I'll be reading links in more detail. I just wanted to take a minute to say thanks to everyone so far.
Since it appears that the act of me making my game available for download makes it copyright, I'd like to ask a few follow up questions. Feel free to suggest a new thread.
• Here's my cards so far:
• Here's my rules so far:
I've got almost all of my cards "done", not counting artwork. I feel decent about the mechanics so far, but I haven't yet playtested this game. I plan on doing that over the next 2 months with various groups of friends.
So my question is this...given where I'm at right now, is it reasonable to think I could run a Kickstarter this year?