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Pricing - self publishing- what to charge indy store?

4 replies [Last post]
Joined: 02/05/2014

I have a 72 card game that I am going to start approaching a few independent stores that I already have a relationship with. What sort of mark down for qualities have you had success with or advise? (ie. if you buy 10 I'll sell them at -50% off the retail price)

lewpuls's picture
Joined: 04/04/2009
Since shops typically buy

Since shops typically buy from a distributor at 50% of retail, you'll need to offer better than 50% for 10.

And who pays shipping?

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
I think...

He will be delivering the games to the stores... since he says he already has a *relationship* with some of his local stores. I could be wrong, be it's not improbable that he does the deliveries...

Joined: 01/30/2014
I'm also very curious about

I'm also very curious about this, specifically in the case of delivering by hand to local stores. I'd love to hear about this from somebody experienced in self-publishing!

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
My opinion

Offer him 10% off the 50% discounted price.

So if you Retail price = $30.00, you would sell him $15.00 - 10%.

So that's $13.50 each. So $135.00 for $150.00 worth of product.

Something like that!

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