Hello everyone!
Firstly i just wanted to say Hi!
It's awesome to find this huge and dedicated community :)
This is my first attempt at board games and i've been researching (a lot! 4h+ everyday, maybe should do more) for the past 4 months while finishing the prototype and playtesting. Still there is always more to learn than what we already know!
My question at this point is: Is there any publishing model that fits in the between Publishers and Self-Published?
Right now, i'm at the moment where i'll have to hire a designer, illustrator, 3D artist to get the game forward.
- If i decide to go with a Publisher (if they accept my game of course) i shouldn't be worried about designs or illustrations, because usually they have their own teams and they will probably want to make changes, so spending money would be somewhat of a waste, unless the design his made to pitch their interest. Also i will be counting with their expertise on launching the game (and all the steps it implies).
- If i go Self-Publishing, i know that i will have 100% creative control, also paying 100% of the costs and the game will be exactly has it was imagined. Buuut, i have no expertise on the field of publishing or crowd-funding.
I have time, finances, management and marketing skills, but i do not have any experience at publishing in board games. Is there any way to self-publish but count with the skills and resources of a Publisher? Will this lead me to hire an experienced team of project managers and advertisers?
Thanks in advance for all the help and to all: keep playing! :)
Bruno Braz
Hello everyone!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
- Questccg: Thanks for your input and experience.
Especially with someone with 0 publishing knowledge, like myself, probably going to a publisher might be the best option like you stated. Do you have any experience on investing your money along with the publisher? as a more integrated partnership?
- Wob: You are totally right! I'm not doing it for fortune or fame, i'm doing it just because it really drives me. But i like to be really professional on anything i do, so why not try to follow your successful steps and advice's?
That's is a nice option, print on demand, probably will make it a lot expensive to sell, but it's feasible!
Print to play, could be also possible. But the visuals and the feeling of the game wont feel as good/real.
- Jay103: Is it really a plus for a publisher to receive a finished game? I thought they would like to keep it "open" so they make the changes they feel necessary. Would this step be a bit of money wasting? Or they really consider a plus a "finished" project?
Thanks for all your feedback :) i'm new here, learning a lot and i hope someday i will be helping others too.