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Scrambo: Interactive Gameplay Demo video

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chris_mancini's picture
Joined: 05/01/2015

I've just completed a video in which the viewer can play a couple rounds of Scrambo with me...I think it will be a pretty unique tool for the campaign:

I'd love to know what you guys think of this! I'm still miles away on the main campaign video, but it feels good to be making progress!

chris_mancini's picture
Joined: 05/01/2015
Also want to mention that

Also want to mention that this forum is the place to give open and honest opinions...please do let me know what you guys really think! That's why I'm putting it up for preview here first; so don't hold back for good or bad! Trust me I design for a living, so I've got a thick skin :)

Is the game fun to play through this video? What do you think of my presentation, and what could improve?

All time and opinions given on this will be most welcome and appreciated!

Tedthebug's picture
Joined: 01/17/2016
Pretty clear

That was a pretty good demonstration & I only have 2 suggestions.

1) try not to swing to much on the chair - in class we were told that this can be distracting to people listening as they can get caught up in the rhythm rather than the information (the example used was watching people do some sort of weird 2-step square dance while standing & talking)

2) I didn't know what I actually had to do. This may be answered in the text that precedes the video but in watching it I knew the category & the topic but didn't 'know' what I had to do. I sort of guessed but thought I could guess multiple things for the same category & didn't know that all I had to do to score was guess 1 thing for each category. In play testing, did players move the category dice to the side when they guessed something for it?

Good luck with the game though. I was surprised at how dumb I was when under pressure.


chris_mancini's picture
Joined: 05/01/2015
Thanks Sean much

Thanks Sean much appreciated!

You're right I was a bit fidgety while seated; a nervous twitch from the odd experience of filming myself, I suppose.

This video will come later in the campaign, intended after people have watched the main video and/or read more about the game. However, making everything clear at each interval would be best, just to reinforce the basics. I'd like this video to stand on its own for other marketing purposes, so definitely a very helpful point!

Yes! It's common to "push" the dice up as they're answered...perhaps another point I should clarify. That isn't in the rules, per se, but it's definitely how people have tended to "bank" answered dice.

Thanks again!

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