Hi there,
Hope your boardgame-related issues are running well.
I recently uploaded my game "Sootcraft" to DriveThruRPG family site (I believe wargamevault and rpgnow are the same family sites with a common item base). The game is free.
Well, I have to say it is being downloaded. I'm not pretty sure whether it is because it is free or apparently not because of it. And what is considered as a good interest in the game judging by downloads.
Any more platforms for self-publishing of read and play games like fighting fantasy series? Any experience of real sales?
Kickstarter is not an option in my case.
wob, thank for tip
However it seems like the site is inactive.
Did you mean http://chooseyourstory.com/? That one work well. But I guess this a fan-based community. No sale option.