I have a company say company x that wants to pick up my entire line say 10 games.
They offer me 8% of net for a royalty.
A. The are putting up the money for publication.
B. they have a network to distribute.
C. They already have marketing in place.
So far that is fair, however I have an x Factor.
I can bring $500,000.00 to the table to offset cost lets say form a rich uncle.
so what would be a fair royalty based on that?
or more?
Uncle has money and believes in nephew, however uncle didn't make $500,000.00 by being an imbicile.
Uncle understands that company x has staying power and proven distribution and marketing, so maybe Monkey man goes to company x and proposes buying into said company and letting him distribute his games thorught thier pipeline?
Or allowing company x to invest that money into monkey mans games and giving monkey man 50% of gross.