Okay so here is a "Level 1" Sample "Lore" card for "SpellMasters". So I won't spoil the card... but it's pretty easy puzzle to solve.
I can count six (6) different ways to "bridge the lair" and a whole slew of words that can "link the key"!
But it gives you an idea... This is very simple to "introduce" players to the game ... and working together to A> Solve the Puzzle (if it is easy enough) B> Work on winning the most amount of points (competitively).
Feel free to post some comments below with "possible" solutions!
Enjoy this first preview (I may do 5 ... since there are 5 levels of difficulty). But the design of the Puzzles is a bit difficult (it ain't easy...) So I'm going to take my time when designing these "Lore" cards!
Yes you need to find a word to LINK the KEY. What this means is that you need a 4 to 7 letter word to get the key. You need to be at minimum adjacent to the key.
So yes, from the first "R" in "Treasure", you must find a corresponding word to "reach" the key.
Same goes for the the word "Mimic", you need to create a BRIDGE in the map to make it to the Mimic's LAIR. Obviously you need the KEY to complete the level.
All the while, you can ADD more words wherever and whenever possible to score additional points. You'd be amazed at how many words actually fit in this Level 1 Puzzle... Which is why it's a Level 1.
Level 5 Puzzles will be harder because you also need to complete a Side-Quest and get a Potion, in addition to linking the KEY and bridging the LAIR... I know Level 1 is pretty easy and there are multiple paths to solve the Puzzle (which is good... because you want players to enjoy the first level and think a little bit... and then be victorious and try to score even more points!)