Hi all.......new user HPS74 here. I've been trawling BGG and this site for many months but I now seek advice from those who have walked this road before me.
I have come up with a dice rolling cricket game. It's fast, fun, compact and affordable. It would tie in well with any cricket lover or as a travelling game.
I've sourced custom dice, have the rules written, and good thoughts on packaging. I put a teasing description on BGG to see reaction to the concept. From that I have had positive interest, one being from a publisher in India. They have expressed interest in "looking at" the game, and if they like it.....talking further about it.
Would anyone have any suggestions on how to handle the meeting (via the web). They'll possibly request a prototype or a soft copy. Should I worry about an NDA?
This is the second game prototype I've developed. The first is still back in China where I left it with the other 2 developers. Any advice would be great!
Do you know of any publishers that produce sports games?